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DaVe3006/FLicKr cc-bynD2.0

                2019 Pronghorn Controlled Hunts
                •  Total applicants (includes first and second choice preferenc-
                  es): 11,885.
                •  Total permits available: 105.                                                                    James marVin PheLPs/FLicKr cc-bync2.0
                •  Overall odds of getting drawn for any one permit: 1 in 113.
                Application Tips For Pronghorn
                Controlled Hunts

                •  Submit applications for both buck and doe hunts and you will
                  increase your odds of going pronghorn hunting.
                •  The controlled hunt for pronghorn is a once-in-a-lifetime
                  opportunity. Ensure you can attend on the hunt dates for
                  which you apply because there is no second chance and hunts
                  cannot be transferred.
                •  If you get an email notifying you that you’ve been drawn,
                  make sure to go back online to claim the hunt by the deadline
                  listed in the notice!
                                                           2019 Pronghorn Hunts
                                        Hunt                                                    Permits
                Hunt Location                 Hunt Type  Begin Date  End Date  Permit Type  Applicants  Draw Ratio  Rank
                                       Number                                                   Allowed
                Cimarron County         2001   Gun    9/5/2019  9/8/2019    Either Sex     5,503  20   1 in 275  3
                Cimarron County         2002   Gun    9/9/2019  9/18/2019    Doe Only      1,168  50    23      2
                Texas County            2010   Gun    9/5/2019  9/8/2019    Either Sex     4,665  10    467     4
                Texas County            2011   Gun    9/9/2019  9/18/2019    Doe Only      549    25    22      1
                                              Our Partners In Controlled Hunts
                Oklahoma’s controlled hunts program is greatly enhanced by valuable partnerships with the following state, federal and private organizations:

                     • National Wildlife   • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers  • Waurika Lake USACE  • Sequoyah Resort Park
                      Refuge System            • Copan USACE            • McAlester Army      • The Nature Conservancy
                     • Deep Fork NWR          • Hugo Lake USACE        Ammunition Plant        • Four Canyon Preserve
                     • Little River NWR       • Kaw Lake USACE      • Camp Gruber Cantonment   • Oka’Yanahli Preserve
                     • Salt Plains NWR      • Keystone Lake USACE    • Oklahoma State Parks      • U.S. Department
                     • Sequoyah NWR          • Oologah Lake USACE   • Beaver’s Bend State Park    of Agriculture
                     • Tishomingo NWR        • Skiatook Lake USACE    • Fort Cobb State Park    • USDA Grazinglands
                      • Washita NWR         • Tenkiller Lake USACE  • Great Salt Plains State Park  Research Lab
                    • Wichita Mountains      • Texoma Lake USACE      • Keystone State Park
                      Wildlife Refuge
                28                                                                               OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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