Page 29 - 2020 Jan/Feb Outdoor Oklahoma
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How To Apply For Controlled Hunts: A Step-By-Step Guide

                   The  annual  controlled  hunts  application  period  opens   FOR ASSISTANCE:
                 in April and runs until mid-May. The entire process occurs   The following Wildlife Department phone numbers are staffed
                 online  at  and  at  license.  from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Or you may
        There is a one-time application   use the contact form online at
                 fee of $5 paid at the time you submit the application, regard-  controlledhunts.
                 less of how many hunt categories you apply in.    •  For general information regarding the controlled hunt appli-
                   STEP 1. All applicants (residents and nonresidents) must   cation process or to report an address change for success-
                 possess or purchase a valid Oklahoma hunting license for the   fully drawn hunters, call (405) 521-3852 or write to Wildlife
                 current calendar year of the drawing. Licenses are sold online at   Department License Section, P.O. Box 53465, Oklahoma City,
        and are valid immediately.  OK 73152-3465.
                   STEP 2. Go online and review all the hunt locations at www.  •  For information about required licenses and permits, or
        before starting your application. You   to make corrections to online applications, please call the
                 may apply for several hunt locations within each category. There   License Section at (405) 521-3852.
                 are seven categories: elk, pronghorn, deer, youth deer, deer for   •  For problems with the online application and for technical
                 physically challenged; spring turkey, youth spring turkey. Write   assistance, call the GoOutdoorsOklahoma Help Desk at
                 down the hunt location numbers you want to apply for.   (833) 457-7285.
                   STEP 3. Gather information for each hunter: driver’s license   •  For information about specific areas and specific controlled
                 and Social Security number (DL not required for youths); date   hunts, call the Wildlife Division at (405) 521-2739.
                 of birth; name; address (city, state and ZIP code); phone number.
                   STEP 4. Log in or, if a new customer, create an account at   OTHER INFORMATION:
        Click on “Controlled Hunts”   •  Customer Accounts  — Go Outdoors account holders already
                 and “Apply.” Fill out the application with required information.   have their information, including licenses they hold, on file
                 Please double-check personal information to make sure it is   and will not have to fill in that part of the controlled hunts
                 entered correctly so your application will not be disqualified.   application. The controlled hunts link is found at the top-
                   STEP 5. Applications are submitted one category at a time;   right side of the Go Outdoors Oklahoma homepage. Once
                 upon submitting one application and saving/printing the con-  clicked, you can check your preference points and apply as
                 firmation page, you will have the opportunity to choose to   an individual or create a party or join a party.
                 submit another application in a different category. Repeat the   •  Party  Hunts  —  Creating  or  joining  a  party  for  con-
                 process to submit additional applications in as many categories   trolled hunts is easier via use of party numbers. When
                 as you desire. Be sure to complete and submit all of your appli-  applying, you are provided with a party number that serves
                 cations in one session because you will lose information if you   as a code for others to use when joining your group. If you
                 close the internet browser window.                  know the people you want to add at the time you apply,
                   STEP 6. A $5 application fee is required of each person on   you can add them. But if you are not sure who’s in or out,
                 the application. If you apply for a group, you will pay the fee   you can always provide the party number to anyone who
                 for each person in the group at one time. You will be required   wants to join before the application deadline. In addition,
                 to enter your credit/debit card information. Only VISA, Discover   anyone can manage their controlled hunts application to
                 or MasterCard are accepted.                         update hunt choices or choice order at any time before the
                   STEP 7. Submit application and payment, then print/save   application deadline.
                 your confirmation page so you have a record of the hunts you   •  Electronic Notifications — Applicants may log in to their Go
                 applied for. If you applied as a group, the confirmation will   Outdoors Oklahoma account at any time to view or print
                 list all group members on the application. If you discover any   their application confirmation. Email will be sent to applicants
                 discrepancies, contact the Wildlife Department immediately for   when they apply to a category as proof of application. In addi-
                 assistance at (405) 521-3852.                       tion, party leaders (the person who creates the party applica-
                   STEP 8. Print/save your payment confirmation page. You can   tion) will be notified anytime someone joins the group.
                 also print confirmation pages after you apply by clicking “Verify   •  Drawing Notifications — Applicants who are selected for
                 Controlled Hunts Applications.”                     a controlled hunt will be notified ONLY BY EMAIL and will
                   STEP 9. If you receive a notice that payment was not received,   be required to log back in to claim their hunt. (The Wildlife
                 click on “Verify hunter information” to check accuracy, then   Department will no longer mail paper forms prior to con-
                 return to payment information.                      trolled hunts.)

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