Page 24 - 2020 Jan/Feb Outdoor Oklahoma
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About Controlled Hunts                            points  can  and  do  get
                  Controlled hunts are offered for deer, elk, antelope and turkey.   drawn  over  those  with
                These hunts are held in appropriate locations selected by wild-  many  points,  because
                life biologists. Hunters wishing to go on one of these controlled   names  are  drawn  ran-
                hunts must submit an application, which goes into the running   domly  from  the  entire            LinDeLL DiLLon/reaDers' Photo showcase 2019
                with all other applications. Names are selected through a ran-  pool of applicants.
                dom computer drawing for a range of hunting opportunities   In  some  categories,
                across the state.                                 hunters  may  apply  in
                  Several of the controlled hunt choices are highly sought after   groups  of  up  to  four
                and often have many times more applicants than available per-  people. For group appli-
                mits. To date, many thousands of hunters have enjoyed unique   cations,  the  preference
                adventures through the con trolled hunts program, including   points of each hunter in
                youth hunters and people who are physically challenged.   the group will be aver-
                  If you keep applying year after year, your chances of being   aged. If not drawn in that
                drawn increase depending on the total number of applications   category, each applicant
                you’ve made for a particular hunt. Applicants who submit faith-  in the hunt group will be
                fully each year are more like ly to get at least one chance to enjoy   given a single preference
                a controlled hunt offered through the Wildlife Department. But   point to carry forward.
                getting drawn is not guaranteed because of the true random   Once you are selected
                method used to select the winners.                for a hunt category, all preference points that you have built up
                  Participation is easy. You start by going online to license.  in that category are cleared. That is why it is important when you
       You either sign on to your profile, or   fill out an application to ensure you are available to participate
                create your profile if you don’t already have one. Then just click   in your chosen hunt on the specified dates. If you cannot attend,
                on the “Controlled Hunts” link to begin the application process.  you not only lose the chance to participate in a great hunting
                  Hunt choices include opportunities such as hunting for a bull   experience, but you also lose the preference points you earned
                elk at the Wichita Moun tains Wildlife Refuge, hunting for prong-  by applying over the years.
                horn antelope in the Oklahoma Panhandle, or hunting for deer at   Here are some other points to keep in mind.
                one of many wildlife management areas across the state, often   You can submit an application in each category available to
                with exclu sive privileges not offered at other times of the year.   you, and within each category you can apply for more than one
                  You can increase your chances of getting drawn by doing a   hunt in many cases. All of this for one $5 application fee.
                little research first. And we’ve done a lot of the hard work for   You could apply for the controlled hunts that are to be held
                you in this article. All you have to do is study the data here and   on key dates during the regular statewide seasons. This could
                decide which hunts you want to apply for.         increase your odds because others may already have plans to
                  Every time you apply and do not get drawn, you earn a pref-  hunt elsewhere on those dates, resulting in fewer applicants and
                erence point for future drawings. So, when you apply the next   better odds for you.
                year, it’s like getting your name put in the hat an extra time.   Consider  the  draw  ratios  that  are  shown  for  each  hunt.
                Therefore, your odds of being drawn improve if you apply again   These  ratios  can  be  used  to  up  your  chances  of  getting  a
                the next year.                                    controlled hunt.
                  By submit ting an application year after year, you can build your   Normally your odds increase if you apply for a hunt later in the
                chances far more than those who don’t continue to apply and   season, as the earlier hunts tend to be more popular.
                who eventually lose their preference points. Additionally, some   If you are just looking to stock the freezer with deer meat, you will
                hunt categories allow you to apply with a group of other hunt ers,   be in better shape by applying only for the antlerless deer hunts.
                so that if one of the group is drawn, the entire group gets to hunt.   And bear in mind that since the Wildlife Department tran-
                                                                  sitioned to the Go Outdoors Oklahoma online license system,
                Helpful Tips                                      all of the controlled hunts application process and drawing
                  Increase your chances of being selected by applying each and   notifications are done online and by email. Winners who get an
                every year like clockwork. Again, your odds of being drawn for   email notice telling them they were selected must then go back
                a controlled hunt improve each year you apply because each   online to claim their hunt and to download the hunt information
                preference point you earn acts like an extra application the next   they need to participate. If winners fail to claim their hunt by
                time you apply.                                   the deadline in the email notice, they could end up losing out
                  Those who say they have stopped apply ing because they never   on their hunt.
                get drawn are actually giving you an advan tage, as long as you               By Wildlife Department Staff
                just keep applying.
                  Although hunters with more preference points have greater   EDITOR’S  NOTE:  The  tables  with  this  article  break  down
                odds of being drawn, it is not guaranteed that those with the   how  applicants  fared  for  the  2019-20  controlled  hunt  draw-
                most points will be drawn for a hunt. What is guaranteed is that   ings.  To  see  results  of  the  2018  controlled  hunts,  go  to
                their chances improve. First-time applicants with no preference
                22                                                                               OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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