Page 23 - 2020 Jan/Feb Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 23


                    for Success

                       Stack the Odds in Your Favor

                     For Getting a Controlled Hunt

                  Success is often determined by putting the odds in your favor.  The application process is easily completed online. Your application
                  That’s true of many of life’s scenarios. But it can also be true  won’t be accepted if it has not been completed correctly; in this
                for a hunter who dreams of taking a majestic bull elk in the  way, you have the assurance that your application was successfully
                Wichita Mountains.                                submitted and that your name will be included in the drawing.
                  Those dreams come true for several lucky hunters whose names   So, besides the obvious of submitting an application, what else
                are drawn in the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation’s  can you do to increase your chances of being selected for what
                controlled hunts program.                         possibly could be the hunt of a lifetime?
                  While getting your name drawn for any one of about 5,600   By reading this article and studying last year’s statistics, you’ll
                hunts depends on being lucky to some extent, that’s not the only  likely gain some insights into how the controlled hunts pro gram
                factor in winning one of these unique hunts. Many times, you can  works — insights that could give you a slight edge in getting drawn
                up your odds if you know important details                         for a hunt that you won’t forget.
                ahead of time and act on them to improve                             Applicants need to understand that the
                our chances.                              2019-20                  winners of controlled hunts are randomly
                  This past year, about one application                            selected through a computerized process
                out of every 22 was selected for the var-  Overall Odds Of         that selects winners from the pool of all
                ious elk, deer, antelope and turkey hunts                          applications submitted.
                available in the controlled hunts program.   Being Drawn:            With just one low application fee of $5,
                Hunters submitted 124,373 applications     1 in 22                 hunters may apply for several different hunts
                for the 5,622 individual hunt permits avail-                       across various categories. The more hunts
                able across the state this year. Many of                           applied for, the better your chances of being
                those applicants who weren’t selected will                         selected for a hunt.
                apply again when the 2020-21 controlled hunts applications are   What about those applicants who aren’t selected? Within the
                made available this spring. And by doing so, they will increase  hunt category for which you applied, you will gain a preference
                their chances of being selected.                  point toward future years’ drawings. Not only that, but some hunt
                  The most important thing an applicant can do to increase his or  categories allow you to apply with a group of other hunters. Both of
                her chances is to submit an online application each year (so that your  these features can increase your odds of being selected.
                preference point total builds), and choose to apply for the specific   Oklahoma is rich in outdoor opportunities, and the Wildlife
                hunts that historically have fewer applicants. This article will help  Department’s controlled hunts program is just one more way hunt-
                you determine what strategy might result in your name being drawn  ers can add to a successful year afield. Don’t miss the chance to take
                for a 2020-21 controlled hunt.                    part in a hunt you won’t forget. You can apply yourself, and you can
                  Controlled hunts applications usually become available around  gather a few friends to apply as a group with you. Because when
                April 1 through your profile at  it comes to hunting, the only thing that makes being in the woods
                The deadline for submitting all applications is normally in mid-May.  better is being there with friends and family.
                JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020                                                                            21

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