Page 20 - 2020 Jan/Feb Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 20

They  hunted  five  times  for  woodcock
                Don P. brown/oDwc                                              over the next two years, with no luck.
                                                                                 Milligan  said,  “Honestly  I  was  start-
                                                                               ing  to  think  maybe  the  woodcock  just
                                                                               wasn’t  going  to  be.  You’d  think  with  all
                                                                               the  miles  we’d  walked  that  we’d  kick
                                                                               one  up  eventually.  I  guess  we  are  just
                                                                               easily entertained.”
                                                                                 But  Mackey  said  each  encouraged  the
                                                                               other. “You are never going to get it done if
                                                                               you don’t go try. We figured it was going to
                                                                               be a lot of work.”
                                                                                 Finally  they  heard  some  talk  of  wood-
                                                                               cocks  being  seen  at  Heyburn  WMA.  In
                                                                               late  November  2018,  they  made  the  trip.
                                                                               Walking through a forested thicket, a wood-
                                                                               cock flushed into the air. And neither man
                                                                               fired a shot.
                                                                                 “It was probably because we were both
                                                                               flabbergasted” by actually seeing a wood-
                                                                               cock, Mackey said.
                                                                                 They followed the bird, flushed it again,
                                                                               but both of them missed.
                                                                                 After several more rounds of walking in
                                                                               the woods, Milligan was heading back to
                                                                               the truck and he caught sight of a wood-
                                                                               cock ahead of him. The bird jumped up
                                                                               and BOOM! The HIP quest came to a suc-
                                                                               cessful end for Milligan. The next week,
                                                                               Mackey took his first woodcock, finishing
                                                                               the quest for himself.
                                                                                 One  of  each  of  the  various  HIP  birds
                                                                               taken for this first quest will end up in a
                                                                               mounted display, Mackey said. As for the
                                                                               rest of the birds, Milligan said, “All these
                                                                               birds make fine table fare.”
                                                                                 He  said  they  had  to  educate  them-
                                                                               selves a lot during their quest. “It took us
                                                                               a lot of places, places we probably would
                                                                               have never hunted. We talked to a lot of
                                                                               people  we  probably  would  have  never
                                                                               talked to.
                                                                                 “You  always  come  home  with  memo-
                                                                               ries.  You  never  know  what  you’re  going
                                                       “You are                to see. It’s all the other things in between
                                                                               the  shooting  that  make  the  story,  that
                                                       never going             make the memory.
                                                                                 “It  was  an  adventure.  A  lot  of  people
                                                       to get it               think  it  is  maybe  kind  of  goofy.  But  we
                                                                               thought it was great. We were a little bit
                                                       done if you             persistent, a lot lucky, and we had a lot of

                                                       don’t go try.”          help.” Mackey agreed.
                                                                                 “We lamented our misery,” he quipped,
                                                                               “But it was really a lot of fun.
                                                                                 “And  to  make  it  even  more  special,
                                                                               we  did  it  all  on  public  land,  and  all  in
                                                                               Oklahoma. And we did it together.”

                18                                                                                   OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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