Page 16 - 2020 Jan/Feb Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 16

So, on a duck hunt that fall, on a small
                Darrin hiLL/oDwc                                               public lake, the two men happened to get
                                                                               within range of a pair of snipes. Each of
                                                                               them fired and bagged a bird.
                                                                                 Since they first met at their workplace
                                                                               in 2009, the two have been on some inter-
                                                                               esting hunts, Milligan said. “One thing I’ve
                                                                               found about hunting: It’s not always easy
                                                                               to  find  somebody  who  likes  to  hunt  the
                                                                               way you do and hunt the things that you
                                                                               do. And this little adventure we went on
                                                                               is kind of a case in point. A lot of people
                                                                               would  not  want  to  participate  in  some-
                                                                               thing like that.
                                                                                 “We are always up for something differ-
                                                                               ent, some kind of adventure. I’ve always
                                                                               been interested in variety. I like to catch
                                                                               fish I haven’t caught. I like to hunt things
                                                                               and go places I haven’t been.”
                                                                                 So,  Milligan  decided  after  getting  the
                                                                               snipe, he would pursue a rail.
                                                                                 “You’re  not  going  to  find  much  if  you
                                                                               Google  ‘rail  hunting  in  Oklahoma.’  But
                                                                               you  can  talk  to  the  folks  at  the  Wildlife
                                                                               Department, and you can get some real
                                                                                 State biologists suggested a successful
                                                                               rail hunt could be had at Hackberry Flats
                                                                               Wildlife  Management  Area.  So  the  two
                                                                               men headed to southwestern Oklahoma
                                                                               in September 2015. They took seven sora
                                                                               rails that day.

                                       Another successful and satisfying hunt for the guys and
                                       for Mazie, Milligan’s chocolate Labrador retriever.

                                       “We started calling it

                                       the HIP quest or the
                                       goony bird slam.”

                Don P. brown/oDwc

                14                                                                                   OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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