Page 19 - 2020 Jan/Feb Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 19

During the drive home from Hackberry,
                the  men  began  talking  about  the  birds
                listed on the HIP. Each had already taken
                ducks, geese, coots, snipes, rails and doves.
                It was then they decided to make it their
                goal to be able to check every category on
                the survey, and what they needed was gal-
                linule and woodcock. “We started calling it
                the HIP quest or the goony bird slam.”
                  Next  on  the  list  was  gallinule,  but  the
                timing wasn’t right and they had to wait
                until 2016. With tips from the biologist at
                Red Slough WMA, the hunters drove near-
                ly  four  hours  to  the  public  hunting  area
                that seems out of place in Oklahoma. They
                encountered fire ants, angry wasps, cot-
                tonmouths  and  alligators.  But  within  15
                minutes, each of them had bagged a com-
                mon gallinule, Mackey said.
                  “So we got the rails, got the snipe, got   “Honestly I was starting to think
                the gallinules. We were still kind of in dis-
                belief  that  we’d  done  it  and  fairly  easily   maybe the woodcock just wasn’t
                to that point. And then came the wood-
                cock. And that’s when things kind of really   going to be.
                slowed down.”
                                                                                                                    Don P. brown/oDwc

                Aaron Milligan and Anthony Mackey wait in the duck blind hoping to wrap up their quest by bagging a goose. This hunt turned out to be an
                unsuccessful goose chase.
                JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020                                                                            17

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