Page 28 - 2020 Jan/Feb Outdoor Oklahoma
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2019-20 Elk Controlled Hunts
                •  Total applicants (includes first, second and third choice prefer ences): 35,264.
                •  Total permits available: 233.                                                                    tim LumLey-FLicKr cc by nc nD
                •  Overall odds of getting drawn for any one permit: 1 in 151.

                Application Tips For Elk Controlled Hunts
                •  Want to increase your odds of getting drawn for an elk hunt? Apply for one
                  of the cow hunts instead of the highly popular bull hunts; the odds are much
                  more in your favor.
                •  Be sure you can attend the elk hunt you apply for on the date of the hunt, as
                  you will not be given a second chance. Controlled hunts for elk are once-in-
                  a-lifetime opportunities, and the person selected cannot transfer the hunt to
                  someone else.
                •  If you get an email notifying you that you’ve been drawn, make sure to go
                  back online to claim the hunt by the deadline listed in the notice!
                                                           2019-2020 Elk Hunts
                                        Hunt                                                    Permits
                Hunt Location                 Hunt Type  Begin Date  End Date  Permit Type  Applicants  Draw Ratio  Rank
                                       Number                                                   Allowed
                Cookson WMA             1001   Gun    10/26/2019  10/27/2019  Either Sex   2,533  1   1 in 2,533  7
                Wichita Mountains WR    1020   Gun    12/3/2019  12/5/2019    Bull        10,466  23    455     6
                Wichita Mountains WR    1021   Gun    12/3/2019  12/5/2019    Cow          844    29    29      2
                Wichita Mountains WR    1022   Gun    12/17/2019  12/19/2019  Bull        10,335  25    413     5
                Wichita Mountains WR    1023   Gun    12/17/2019  12/19/2019  Cow          1,037  65    16      1
                Wichita Mountains WR    1024   Gun    1/7/2020  1/9/2020      Bull         9,182  25    367     4
                Wichita Mountains WR    1025   Gun    1/7/2020  1/9/2020      Cow          867    65    133     3
                Controlled Hunts FAQ                              Is it guaranteed that I will be drawn if I apply long enough?
                                                                    No, but your chances of being drawn in the same hunt catego-
                What are controlled hunts?                        ry get better each year you apply because you earn preference
                  Controlled hunts are hunting opportunities awarded to appli-  points for future drawings in that category.
                cants who are selected in random drawings. Controlled hunts are
                held in places where unrestricted hunting would pose safety con-  Can I lose preference points?
                cerns, such as in small wildlife management areas, or where over-  When an applicant is drawn, all preference points in that
                harvest could occur if open hunting were allowed. Controlled hunt   category are forfeited. Also, any applicant who doesn’t apply in
                categories include elk, pronghorn, deer and turkey. Applications   that category for five consecutive years will lose all preference
                are accepted each spring at   points for that category. But applicants who continue to submit
                                                                  applications at least every five years retrain their preference
                Are there any fees?                               points going forward.
                  All applicants pay a $5 application fee to enter the controlled
                hunts drawings. This fee is paid just once per person per year,   If I apply with a group of three hunters, how are preference
                regardless of how many hunt categories (elk, deer, turkey, ante-  points calculated?
                lope) the applicant decides to enter. The application fee is paid   Example: One person has 5 preference points, one has 3, one
                online with a VISA or MasterCard debit or credit card. Hunters   has no points. The total for the group is 8 preference points. The
                drawn for a controlled hunt might be responsible for additional   group total is averaged for each member, which equals 2.6 points
                license and user fees that are required for some hunts, such as   apiece, which is then rounded up to 3 points each. So, each mem-
                those held on federal areas.                      ber of the group then gets 3 preference points in the drawing.
                Who can apply?                                    Something came up and I missed my hunt. What now?
                  Any resident or nonresident who possesses a valid hunting   Once your name is selected, your preference points in that cat-
                license or who is otherwise exempt from needing the license may   egory are reset to zero and cannot be restored if you miss the hunt.
                apply. Applicants who don’t possess a license must buy a license   Controlled hunt permits are assigned to only the selected hunter.
                before they can submit applications. People who possess a valid   Hunt permits cannot be transferred. Some controlled hunts are
                apprentice-designated hunting license may also apply, although   limited to once-in-a-lifetime selections, and hunters selected for
                specific hunts require some hunters to become hunter educa tion-  these hunts will not be eligible to apply for them again in the future.
                certified before the actual hunt.                 What if some of my application information changes after I apply?
                Can groups submit applications?                     Hunters who are drawn for controlled hunts are now notified
                  Some  controlled  hunts  allow  groups  to  apply,  but  the   by email. The Wildlife Department no longer sends controlled
                information required on the application must be correct and   hunt documents using postal mail. If changes are needed, simply
                complete for every group member; discrepancies can result   log in to Go Outdoors Oklahoma and update your profile infor-
                in disqualification.                              mation or notify the Wildlife Department’s License Section by
                                                                  calling (405) 521-3852 weekdays.
                26                                                                               OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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