Page 38 - Nov/Dec 2021 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 38

Endangered Species Act decision affecting the less-
                                                                         And because of Brown’s habitat and wildlife man-
                                                                           agement plans, he has been able to enjoy and pro-
               Woods County Landowner Wins 2021 Conservation Honor
                                   RC Brown maintains an aggressive campaign to eliminate
                                                              Prescribed burning is one of many conservation practices
                                                                embraced by RC Brown on his Woods County ranch.
                                                                                a  mote hunting on his land to the benefit of others.  recognized  tionist each year since 1989 and continues to work  closely with landowners by providing technical  assistance and in some cases financial support for  land practices  that benefit  wildlife. Projects may  include fencing, brush management, timber thin- For more information about the assistance avail- able from Wildlife

                                     invasive eastern redcedars.       er prairie-chicken.  has   ODWC   ning, wetland restoration and more.

                          DOn P. BrOWn/ODWC
                                                              2021 Landowner Conservationist of the Year award presentation, from left, ODWC Private Lands Biologist Brett Cooper,

                                                                       3,000 acres of eastern redcedar. Cutting and removing or burning more than  Improving habitat for lesser prairie-chick- en and northern bobwhite as well as other   upland species. Enhancing potential turkey roost sites through  cedar removal and burning. Since 2013, Brown has been enrolled in the  Oklahoma Agricultural Candidate Conservation  Agreement with Assurances (CCAA) program and  mainta

                                                                    •    •      •              his property.
                                                                Phyllis and RC Brown, ODWC Wildlife Division Chief Bill Dinkines.
                                                                       Conservationist                     Association   Burn

                                                                       Landowner  Woods County landowner RC Brown is  of the Year. The Private Lands Section of the  Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation’s  Wildlife Division selected Brown, who received an  award at the September meeting of the Oklahoma   Private Lands Biologist Brett Cooper spoke about  Brown’s habitat improvement and land manage- ment activities on his 6,732 acres, including ambi- tious ef

                                                                       2021        Wildlife Conservation Commission.  and regular prescribed burning.  (Woods County).

                                                                       Oklahoma’s                  tion projects, including:  •   •   Preservation
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