Page 42 - Nov/Dec 2021 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 42

“ So, there I was                 around about what to use, and my daughter’s youth pastor, who fishes the Blue
                                             “That was going to be the ultimate, right?” she said with a laugh. “I asked
            with my fly rod                 River a lot, told me to use Power Bait. ... So, there I was with my fly rod and
            and jigging with                jigging with Power Bait, thinking I was fly fishing!”
                                             It didn’t work. In fact, she failed time and again.
            Power Bait,                      “I just didn’t know what I was doing,” she said.
                                             Things turned around one weekend after she posted a question about fishing
            thinking I was                  the Lower Mountain Fork River at Beavers Bend to a Facebook group.
                                             “People said a guide, Donovan Clary, was going to be out there, and I was like,
            fly fishing!”                   ‘Whoa, he is way out of my price range. I am not going to ask him anything.’ ”
                                             But when she went to the river, she ended up bumping into Clary and the
                                            couple he was guiding anyway. They struck up conversation, as anglers do, and
                                            before she knew it, Clary was ready to show her how to catch a trout by Euro-
                                            nymphing — a style of fly fishing she knew nothing about.
                                             “I had my Martin rod at the car, and Donovan was like, ‘We can just leave
                                            yours here.’ ”
                                             A couple of lessons on reading the water, where trout like to hold and where to
                                            toss the line for the right drift, and she was on-track.
                                                                               “I think on my third drift I caught my
          KELLY BOStIan                                                      first trout,” she said. “That lit the fire.”
                                                                               She devoted herself to fly-fishing
                                                                             during COVID-19 shutdowns. She
                                                                             completed the 15-by-15, which meant
                                                                             learning that “perch” were not perch
                                                                             but were bluegill, longear, redear and
                                                                             green sunfish. She also learned the
                                                                             difference between a spotted and
                                                                             largemouth bass, and the differences
                                                                             between white bass, striped bass and
                                                                             hybrid striped bass.
                                                                               Competitors post selfies on the con-
                                                                             test Facebook page to confirm their
                                                                             catches, and one educational part of
                                                                             the event is when entrants post selfies
                                                                             with incorrect fish IDs.
          “He’s so cute!” Norris said of a small                               “I was down to where all I needed
          channel catfish that took her fly on the   to complete the challenge was a striped bass, and (tournament organizer)
          Lower Illinois River.             Scott Hood became my enemy,” she said, laughing. “I kept posting pictures
                                            with ‘striped bass’ and he’d just reply, ‘hybrid, nope, hybrid, hybrid.’ I got
                                            so frustrated!”
                                             Nowadays, she’s the one to out-fish most and to pass along advice, even

          KELLY BOStIan

          Lands and releases a rainbow trout

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