Page 43 - Nov/Dec 2021 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 43

though she says she doesn’t feel qualified.
          One day, she advised a group of men, befud-                                                         KELLY BOStIan
          dled as they’d caught nothing for hours. She
          walked up and started catching fish after fish.
            “I got to feel big-headed for a little bit,” she
          said. “That was when I got the idea for the
          Fish Like A Girl sticker.”
            When she’s at Scotty’s at Blue River these
          days, she’s on a first-name basis with just
          about everyone. The same goes for the crowd
          on the Lower Illinois River any given weekend.
          Clary is a good friend, as is the couple she met
          that day on the Mountain Fork.
            “There are so many people that I love and
          that are (like) family now, and I only knew one,
          Jason (Bryant), a year ago,” she said. “The
          greatest thing I’ve gained from fly fishing is last-
          ing friendships. I’m blessed beyond measure.”
            That’s a mighty catch. Papa surely would
          be proud.
            (Kelly Bostian has been an outdoor editor and
          writer for 35 years at newspapers in Fairbanks,
          Alaska, and Tulsa, Okla. He now operates KJB
          Outdoors, writing articles about conservation
          and outdoor recreation.)                Bridget Norris Kirk fishes for trout on the Lower Illinois River.

            Try Your Skills Fly-fishing for Trout

              Many anglers in Oklahoma look   in 2021: three trout per day of any   Residents of the state’s two
            forward to these cooler months   size. But anglers may catch and   largest urban areas can also get in
            of the year for some rewarding   release as many trout as they wish   on some trout fishing at Close to
            seasonal trout fishing. Going after   each day.                  Home Fishing locations. Veterans
            some rainbows and browns is also   Around Nov. 1, the Fisheries Division   Pond in Jenks is a trout stocking
            the  perfect  way  to hone  your  fly-  of the Oklahoma Department of   site. And new this year, Edwards
            fishing talents, or develop some if   Wildlife Conservation stocks trout at   Park and Route 66 Park are trout
            you’ve never tried the technique.  six designated seasonal trout fishing   stocking sites in the Oklahoma City
              Trout anglers are reminded that   areas across the state, in addition to   area. These Close to Home Fishing
            new daily harvest limits are in effect   the two continuous trout stocking sites   areas will be stocked from Dec. 1 to
                                                      at the Lower Illinois River   Feb. 28, 2021.
            tODD BEntOn/rEaDErS ShOWCaSE 2014         Perry CCC/Lake Perry   license  while fishing.  In  addition,
                                                                               Trout anglers must carry a
                                                      and the Lower Mountain
                                                                             resident or nonresident fishing
                                                      Fork River.
                                                        The seasonal areas are
                                                                             trout anglers at the Oklahoma City
                                                                             Close to Home sites must have an
                                                      Park,  Robbers Cave,
                                                                             Oklahoma City fishing permit, and
                                                      Blue River, Boecher Lake,
                                                      Medicine Creek and
                                                      Sunset Lake in Guymon.
                                                                             at other seasonal sites.
                                                                               Trout fishing regulations, including
                                                      Regular stocking will   municipal permits may be required
                                                      continue at these sites   daily and size limits, restricted areas
                                                      until March 15 or March   and  site  maps,  can  be  found  in
                                                      31, 2022. This year,   the current Oklahoma Fishing and
                                                      stocking was moved     Hunting Regulations found online at
                                                      from Watonga Lake to, on the Go
                                                      Boecher Lake at Roman   Outdoors Oklahoma free mobile app,
                                                      Nose State Park. For   or in print across the state wherever
                                                      more details, go to www.  hunting and fishing licenses are sold.
                                                            — Don P. Brown,
                                                      fishing/trout-information.      Communication Specialist

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