Page 53 - 2021 2022 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
P. 53

                                                                SPECIAL LICENSES & PERMITS

        Fiscal-Year Licenses              charge at or is avail-  homa, or any state which borders this state.
          The fiscal year licenses (hunting, combina-  able at all state hunting license dealer locations   Off-road use of a vehicle on Department-
        tion, youth hunting, youth combination, non-  for $3.                managed lands by a non-ambulatory permit-
        resident hunting) are valid from July 1 to June                      tee is authorized only on lands specifically
        30. These licenses cover many hunting seasons  Land Access Permits   designated as open for such activity. Maps of
        that extend beyond the calendar year.  A $40 annual land access permit is required  areas open to off-road use may be obtained from
                                          of all residents who hunt or fish on Honobia  Department headquarters in Oklahoma City.
        Resident 5-Year Hunting License    Creek and Three Rivers WMAs, unless exempt.
        or 5-Year Combination             Nonresidents are required to purchase a $85  5-Day Rattlesnake Permit
        Hunting / Fishing License         annual permit, no exemptions.       Any person hunting, pursuing, trapping,
          Persons who have been residents of Oklahoma   A $10, 3-day special use land access permit  harassing, catching, killing, taking, or attempt-
        for at least six months may purchase a 5-year  is available to residents for non-hunting and  ing to take in any manner any species of rattle-
        hunting or 5-year combination hunting/fishing  non-fishing related activities. Individuals who  snake during an organized rattlesnake hunting
        license. Holders of these licenses are exempt from  possess the $40 annual land access permit are  event or festival must have a rattlesnake permit,
        the annual hunting license only. Holders of the  exempt from the special use permit.  unless exempt.
        resident 5-year licenses who become residents   Oklahoma residents who are under 18 years   Persons with a valid hunting or combination
        of another state during the 5-year period of their  of age on the first day of the current calendar  hunting/fishing license are exempt from the
        license may continue to use their license as a  year or are 64 years old or older are exempt  rattlesnake permit.
        nonresident annual hunting license. However,  from land access permit requirements. Life-  Permits are available by calling (405) 521-
        they must purchase any season-specific licenses,  time license holders are not exempt from land  3852, online at, or at
        such as antelope, bear, deer, elk or turkey, that are  access permits.  any hunting or fishing license dealer.
        not covered by a resident annual hunting license.
                                          3-Day/Annual Wildlife              Tribal Compact Licenses
        Lifetime Senior Citizen Hunting /   Conservation Passport             For tribal compact licenses, visit choctawnation.
        Combination License                 The Wildlife Conservation Passport is re-  com or
          Residents age 65 (or those who turn 65 dur-  quired on certain ODWC lands (See Public
        ing the calendar year) are eligible to purchase a  Hunting Lands: Special Area Regulations),  Federal Sandhill Crane Permit
        senior citizen hunting license or combination  although individuals who possess any current   All crane hunters must possess a $3 fed-
        hunting/fishing license which is valid for life.  hunting or fishing license issued by the ODWC  eral sandhill crane permit (valid July 1 to
        The license provides the same exemptions as a  are exempt from the passport.  the following June 30). Permits are available
        resident lifetime combination hunting/fishing                        from any Oklahoma hunting license dealer.
        license (see page 52). Application available at  Motor Vehicle Permit to Hunt from a   Permits also are available free of charge at If using a paper form,  Motorized Vehicle
        form must be signed by a Wildlife Department   Use of a motor vehicle for hunting is intended
        employee before mailing.          only as a means of facilitating access. During the  Nonresident Lifetime Licenses
                                          actual taking of any wildlife, the vehicle being   Nonresidents who hold a nonresident
        Disability Hunting License        used by the permittee must be stopped and the  lifetime hunting or combination license are
          Persons who have resided in Oklahoma for  engine must be turned off.   exempt from the purchase of a nonresident
        at least six months and who are receiving So-  A 5-year motor vehicle permit to hunt or  annual hunting license. To hunt antelope, bear,
        cial Security disability, Supplemental Security  take wildlife with the aid of a motor-driven  deer or elk, nonresident lifetime license holders
        Income benefits, or persons receiving disability  vehicle on Department-managed lands may  must purchase a nonresident antelope, bear,
        benefits under the Federal Railroad Retirement  be issued to residents having a permanent dis-  deer or elk license.
        Act or the Multiple Injury Trust Fund may pur-  ability which confines them to a wheelchair, or   The owner of a nonresident lifetime license
        chase a 5-year disability hunting license for $10.  requires the use of crutches, a walker or other  must purchase a nonresident annual or fiscal
        Applicants for this license are urged to ask for  means of support or assistance for body mo-  year hunting license in addition to a turkey li-
        a Benefits Verification Statement from Social  bility as certified by a medical doctor licensed  cense to hunt turkey.
        Security at (800) 772-1213. Application avail-  to practice in Oklahoma or any state which   Nonresident lifetime license holders need
        able at Must include  borders this state.    the following for certain types of migratory
        paperwork specified in application.  Use of a vehicle on Department-managed  bird hunting: a HIP permit to hunt migratory
                                          lands by a motor vehicle permittee is authorized  game birds, a federal sandhill crane permit to
        Lifetime Disabled Veteran         only on roads or trails specifically designated  hunt sandhill cranes, a federal duck stamp
        Combination Hunting / Fishing     as open for such activity. Off-road travel by a  and an Oklahoma waterfowl license to hunt
        License                           motor vehicle permittee is prohibited.  waterfowl.
          This license is available to resident disabled
        veterans, as certified by the Department of Vet- Non-ambulatory Permit to Hunt from  Commercial Hunt Areas
        erans Affairs. For veterans with a disability of  a Motorized Vehicle  For information on operator license require-
        less than 60 percent, the cost of the license is   Use of a motor vehicle for hunting is intended  ments, permits, eligibility and live transport of
        $200. For veterans with a disability of 60 percent  only as a means of facilitating access. During the  cervidae (405) 521-3719. All commercial hunt
        or more, the cost of the license is $25.  actual taking of any wildlife, the vehicle being  area hunters must be in possession of a valid
          The license provides the same exemptions as  used by the permittee must be stopped and the  resident or nonresident hunting license (see
        a resident lifetime combination hunting/fishing  engine must be turned off.   page 48 for hunting license definition). A $5
        license (see page 52).              A 5-year non-ambulatory permit to hunt or  10-day small game commercial hunt area li-
                                          take wildlife with the aid of a motor-driven  cense is available to hunters not pursuing big
        Harvest Information Program       vehicle on Department-managed lands may be  game, upland game and/or exotics. Any animal
        (HIP) Permit                      issued to residents who are unable to walk due  leaving a commercial hunt area must be tagged
          A Harvest Information Program (HIP) per-  to a single or double leg amputation, paralysis  and listed on a receipt (tag and receipt is only
        mit is required of all migratory bird hunters,  of lower extremity(ies) and/or disease or injury  provided by the commercial hunt area operator).
        unless exempt.                    and are confined to the use of a wheelchair as
          The permit is valid from July 1 through the  their primary source of mobility, as certified by
        following June 30, and may be obtained free of  a medical doctor licensed to practice in Okla-

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