Page 54 - 2021 2022 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
P. 54

                  LICENSE EXEMPTIONS
        Residents                         licenses; Oklahoma waterfowl license, trapping   Landowners or agricultural lessees taking
                                          license and the fur license.       furbearers in open season with intent to sell
        Under 16 Years of Age               Holders of these lifetime licenses are not  must possess a fur license. This license is not
          Residents under 16 years of age are exempt   exempt from the purchase of the federal duck  required for those who run or chase furbearers
        from the purchase of the hunting license, fed-  stamp, bear licenses, land access permit, HIP  with dogs but do not take.
        eral duck stamp, Oklahoma waterfowl license,   requirements or federal sandhill crane permit,   Disability
        Wildlife Conservation Passport, land access   unless exempt by age as listed above.
        permit and HIP requirements.                                          Residents having a proven permanent dis-
                                          Landowners or Tenants              ability which renders them non-ambulatory and
        Under 18 Years of Age               Resident landowners or tenants who hunt  confines them to a wheelchair, as certified by a
          Any person under 18 years of age in the   only on land owned or agriculturally leased by  medical doctor, are exempt from the hunting
        physical custody of a child-care facility is ex-  them (not including hunting leases) are exempt  license.
        empt from the purchase of a hunting license.  from the hunting license. Resident landowners
                                          who hunt waterfowl and other migratory game  Proof of Exemption
          Also, any person under 18 years of age is
        exempt from the Wildlife Conservation Pass-  birds only on their own property are exempt   Proof of exemption from a license or permit
        port and land access permit.      from the Oklahoma waterfowl license and HIP  must be carried while in the field.
                                            Only resident landowners or tenants or such  Veterans Affairs Disability
        64 Years Old or Older             individuals’ children who trap on land owned  Exemptions
          Residents 64 years old or older are exempt
        from the purchase of a land access permit and   or agriculturally leased by such owners or agri-  Resident disabled veterans with 60 percent
        HIP requirements (including those who will   cultural lessees (not including hunting leases)  or more disability. Call State Department of
        turn 64 during the calendar year in which they   are exempt from purchasing a trapping license.  Veterans Affairs, (888) 655-2838, to acquire proof
        intend to hunt migratory birds). Residents 65   Persons residing in another state who own  of exemption.
        years old or older are exempt from the purchase   land in Oklahoma but do not live on that land
        of the Oklahoma waterfowl license.  are considered nonresidents and are not exempt.  Nonresidents
                                          Landowners or Agricultural Lessees
        Lifetime Licenses                                                    Under 14 Years of Age
        (Hunting, Combination, Senior       Landowners or agricultural lessees who kill   Nonresidents under 14 years of age are ex-
        Citizen & Disabled Veteran)       bobcats, raccoons, gray/red foxes or river otters   empt from the purchase of a hunting license,
          All holders of an Oklahoma lifetime hunting,   actually found destroying livestock or poultry   HIP requirements and federal duck stamp.
        lifetime combination, senior citizen hunting ,   are exempt from the purchase of the fur license.
        senior citizen combination or lifetime disabled   No landowner or agricultural lessee who   Under 16 Years of Age
        veteran combination hunting/fishing license   takes these species under the depredation ex-  Nonresidents under 16 years of age are ex-
        are exempt from the purchase of the annual   emption may remove any part of the fur or un-  empt from the purchase of the federal duck
        hunting license; deer, elk, antelope and turkey   skinned carcass from the premises where taken.   stamp and HIP requirements.
                                                                             Under 18 Years of Age
                                                                              Any person under 18 years of age in the
                                                                             physical custody of an Oklahoma child-care
                                                                             facility is exempt from the purchase of a hunt-
                                                                             ing license.
                                                                             Lifetime Licenses held by former
                                                                              Nonresidents who formerly lived in Oklaho-
                                                                             ma and purchased a resident lifetime hunting,
                                                                             resident lifetime combination, resident senior
                                                                             citizen hunting, resident senior citizen combi-
                                                                             nation or lifetime disabled veteran license may
                                                                             still use the license with all the same privileges.
                                                                             Those privileges are listed on this page in the
                                                                             “residents” column.
                                                                              There are no license or permit exemptions
                                                                             for nonresident landowners.
                                                                             Military Personnel
                                                                              A person who is not otherwise a resident of
                                                                             the state and is a member of the Armed Forces
                                                                             of the United States and is on active duty and
                                                                             permanently assigned to a military installation
                                                                             located in the state shall be eligible to qualify as
                                                                             a resident if the person presents with the license
                                                                             application a certificate of assignment in the
                                                                             state from a commanding officer or designated
                                                                              A spouse or dependent of the person who
                                                                             is not otherwise a resident of the state, is liv-
                                                                             ing within the same household and is similarly
                                                                             certified by a commanding officer, shall also be
                                                                             eligible to qualify as a resident.
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