Page 57 - 2021 2022 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
P. 57
night, by what is commonly known as “head- animal or other wildlife, or portions thereof. In wildlife breeders, may hunt, chase, capture,
lighting” (or “spotlighting”) or use any light addition, information on turkey, bear, deer, elk, shoot, shoot at, wound, attempt to take or take,
enhancement device (night scope). Provided, and antelope must include where game was attempt to kill or kill, slaughter, or use any trap,
however, nothing in this code shall prevent checked or the online confirmation number. The net, snare, cage, pitfall, baited hook or similar
one from possessing a .22 caliber rimfire rifle or person’s name and address receiving said wild- device, drug, poison, narcotic, explosive or
.22 caliber rimfire pistol and a light carried on life must also appear on the written information. similar substance, swivel or punt gun of greater
his person while in pursuit of furbearers with It shall be unlawful for any person to have caliber than ten (10) gauge, or any device which
hounds during the legal open furbearer season, in their possession any meat, head, hide, or any generates electricity on an antelope, moose,
while possessing a valid hunting license and part of the carcass of any wildlife not legally whitetail or mule deer, bear, elk, mountain lion,
fur license, unless exempt. taken. The keeping of wildlife as pets and the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, wild turkey, or
sale of wildlife or parts is strictly controlled by any subspecies except as otherwise provided
Hunting During Big Game Seasons state and federal laws. by statute or commission rule.
Any person hunting any wildlife in open areas
during the youth deer gun, bear muzzle loader, Protected Species Transportation of Firearms,
deer muzzleloader, deer gun, holiday antlerless All migratory birds, which include all hawks, Bows & Crossbows
deer gun (in open zones), elk gun (in open coun- owls, eagles, songbirds and all other birds, ex- Except as otherwise provided, no person
ties) or September antelope gun (in open areas) cept resident game birds, house sparrows and may transport a loaded firearm in a land or wa-
seasons with a shotgun and rifled slug, or any starlings, are protected by federal and state law. ter motor vehicle. No bow may be transported
rifle or handgun larger than a .22 caliber long House sparrows and starlings are the only birds at full or partial draw in a motorized vehicle.
rifle, must possess a valid bear, deer, elk, or an- that are not protected by either federal or state Muzzleloaders may be transported with a
telope license, unless otherwise exempt. law. However, federal regulations provide for the loaded powder charge and bullet as long as
control of blackbirds under a depredation order. the gun is uncapped or battery is disconnected.
Hunting From Motor Vehicles For complete regulations, see 50 CFR, Part 20.43. Crossbows may not be transported in a motor-
No person may harass, attempt to capture, Endangered and threatened species are pro- ized vehicle unless uncocked or disassembled.
capture, attempt to take, take, kill or attempt tected by federal and/or state law.
to kill any wildlife with the aid of any motor- Use of Fire
driven land, air or water conveyance, except a Oklahoma’s Endangered No person shall concentrate, drive, molest,
non-ambulatory person may hunt from said and Threatened Species hunt, take, capture, kill, or attempt to take any
conveyances with a non-ambulatory or motor Mammals: Gray bat, northern long- wildlife by aid of any fire or smoke whether
vehicle permit. Provided, however, nothing in eared bat, Ozark big-eared bat, Indiana man-made or natural.
this code shall prevent the use of motor-driven bat. Birds: Whooping crane, piping plover,
land or water conveyances for following dogs in eastern black rail, red knot, red-cockaded Wanton Waste
the act of hunting, when use of said conveyances woodpecker. Fish: Ozark cavefish, leopard No person may capture, kill or destroy any
is restricted to public roads or waterways. Said darter, Neosho madtom, blackside darter, wildlife protected by law and remove the head,
conveyances may be used on private property longnose darter, Arkansas River shiner. claws, teeth, hide, antlers, horns or any or all
for following dogs in the act of hunting with the Invertebrates: Winged mapleleaf mussel, of such parts from the carcass with the intent
landowner’s or occupant’s permission. scaleshell mussel, Ouachita rock pocketbook, to abandon the carcass. No person may kill
rabbitsfoot mussel, Oklahoma cave crayfish, any wildlife protected by law and abandon
Landowner Permission Neosho Mucket mussel, American burying the carcass without disposing of the carcass in
Hunters must obtain permission to enter any beetle. Plant: Harperella. the most appropriate manner. No person may
posted or occupied land or land primarily de- dump the carcass of any dead animal in any
voted to farming, ranching or forestry purposes. Selling of Wildlife well, spring, pond, or stream of water or leave
Nothing in this guide shall be interpreted as Except as otherwise provided for by law, it within 1/4 mile of any occupied dwelling or
permitting hunting or allowing access into any no person may buy, barter, trade, sell or of- public highway without burying the carcass
area, public or private, without permission from fer, or expose for sale all or any part of any in an appropriate manner where it will not
the owners or custodian as required by law. fish or wildlife or the nest or eggs of any bird, become exposed through erosion of the soil or
All persons are prohibited from entering land protected by law. where such land is subject to overflow. Penal-
owned by another without permission for the ties and fines have been increased for anyone
sole purpose of retrieving domestic livestock Shooting From Road convicted of improperly disposing of wildlife.
or other animals. Shooting from or across any public road,
Consent is not valid for more than one year, highway (or right-of-way) or railroad right-of-
unless the owner, lessee, or occupant specifical- way is prohibited. Public roadways are defined
ly grants consent for a specified period of time. 726,000 acres statewide
as any governmental or corporate roadways
Carry of Firearms where vehicular traffic is not restricted and the
Unless otherwise provided by state law, a roadway is routinely used by the general public.
person may carry a firearm on any private or Shotgun Pellet Size
public state lands. This includes, but is not lim- No person in the field may possess or attempt
ited to, while hunting, fishing, scouting and to harvest any wildlife, except waterfowl and
tracking. Federal lands such as Corps of Engi- crane, with a shotgun using shot larger than #4
neers or National Wildlife Refuges are subject buckshot. Hogs are not considered wildlife; see LAND FOR LEASE
to additional regulations that may prevent the page 74 for shotgun provisions for hogs. Hunting—Fishing
provisions of this act. Outdoor Sport/Recreational Use
5 year terms
Possessing Wildlife Suppressors (Silencers) WWW.CLO.OK.GOV — (405) 521-4000
Hunters are allowed to use legally acquired
No person may possess any game bird, and possessed suppressors to hunt game ani-
animal or other wildlife, or portions thereof, mals, game or nongame birds on both private
that have been taken by another person unless and public lands.
written information giving the taker’s name,
address, customer ID number, date taken and Taking of Wildlife
the number and kinds of game birds, animals No person, including but not limited to
or other wildlife, is attached to the game birds,
persons licensed for commercial hunting or
Managing Assets for Education