Page 59 - 2021 2022 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
P. 59

The regulations on this page apply to all Big Game Seasons (pages 57-63)

        •  Animal quarters containing no spinal ma-  A field tag can be any item, so long as the   Once checked, the animal will be issued a
          terials or meat with all parts of the spinal  tag contains the required information. This tag  carcass tag or an online confirmation number.
          column removed;                 must remain with the carcass to its final des-  This tag or number must remain with the car-
        •  Cleaned teeth;                 tination or through processing and/or storage  cass to its final destination or through process-
        •  Finished taxidermy products;   at commercial processing or storage facilities.  ing and/or storage at commercial processing
        •  Hides or tanned products.                                         or storage facilities.
                                          Checking Requirements               Deer and elk carcasses may be checked in
        Field Tagging                       In all cases prior to processing the carcass   quartered with sex organs naturally attached
        Requirements                      all deer, elk, antelope, bear and turkey must   and head accompanying the carcass.
                                                                              Antelope must have evidence of sex (head)
          All hunters (including lifetime license hold-  be checked within 24 hours of leaving the hunt   remain with the carcass until the antelope is
                                          area through the online E-Check system at
        ers) who harvest a deer, elk, antelope, turkey or the Go Outdoors   checked in.
        or bear must immediately attach a field tag,   Oklahoma mobile app, or with an authorized   Checking requirements for bear are listed
        securely to the carcass, with their name, cus-  Department employee.  on page 63.
        tomer ID number, and date and time of harvest.


          Deer hunters can find a list of deer processing sites online at
          Many deer processors participate in the Hunters Against Hunger program, which allows
          hunters who legally harvest a deer during any deer season to donate the meat to feed
          hungry Oklahomans. With more opportunities to harvest antlerless deer this fall, the time
          has never been better to donate to the Hunters Against Hunger program.

        DE     E  R           For requirements on hunter orange, legal means of taking, public lands, shooting hours, carcass disposal, more than one method
                               of take in the field, tracking with dogs, field tagging and checking requirements, see Big Game Regulations on pages 56 and 57.

        Combined Season Limit             day of that deer season in zones open to antler-  Jan. 1-15: must be in possession of a resident
        •  Six: no more than two may be antlered.  less harvest.             hunting license and a resident deer archery
                                            Hunters must still comply with the limit re-  license for the current calendar year. Unfilled
                                          striction of no more than four antlerless deer  deer archery license (Jan. 1-15) may be used the
          This includes deer archery, youth deer gun,
        deer muzzleloader and deer gun seasons.  during the deer muzzleloader and/or gun sea-  following fall season.
          Deer taken during Jan. 1-15, 2022, count to-  sons (see page 59 for Antlerless Deer Zones).
        ward the 2021 combined season limit.                                 Resident (unless exempt):
          Deer taken during controlled hunts or dur- Unfilled Deer Licenses
        ing the holiday antlerless deer gun season do   Unfilled resident and nonresident deer li-  •  Resident Hunting License, and
        not count toward the combined season limit.  censes are not valid for any other deer season.   •  Resident Deer License for that particular
                                          For example: an unfilled deer muzzleloader   season for each deer hunted.
                                                                              Jan. 1-15: must be in possession of a resident
        Antlered Deer Definition          license is not valid for the deer gun or holiday   hunting license and a resident deer archery
          Any deer, regardless of sex, with at least   antlerless deer gun seasons.   license for the current calendar year. Unfilled
                                            Unfilled resident youth deer gun licenses
        three inches of antler length above the natural   are valid for deer gun and holiday antlerless   deer archery license (Jan. 1-15) may be used the
        hairline on either side.                                             following fall season.
                                          deer gun seasons. Antlered youth deer gun
        Tracking Devices                  licenses are not valid for holiday antlerless deer   Nonresident Youth (unless exempt):
                                          gun season.
          Telemetric radio tracking devices for deer
        hunting are legal. However, thermal tracking   License Requirements  •  Nonresident Deer License (exempt from non-
        devices are illegal.                                                  resident hunting license) for that particular
                                          Hunters must be in possession of all appropri-  season or a resident lifetime hunting or com-
                                                                              bination hunting/fishing license.
        Antlerless Deer Zones             ate licenses before hunting a deer.
          Antlerless deer may only be harvested dur-  Youth Resident (unless exempt):  Nonresident (unless exempt):
        ing firearm seasons on specified days and in
        zones open to antlerless harvest (see page 59  •  Resident youths under 16 years of age must  •  Nonresident Deer License (exempt from non-
        for Antlerless Deer Zones).         possess a resident youth deer license for that   resident hunting license) for that particular
                                            particular season for each deer hunted.  season or a resident lifetime hunting or com-
        Unfilled Antlered Deer            •  Resident youths 16 and 17 years of age must   bination hunting/fishing license.
        Licenses                            possess a resident youth hunting license and
                                            a resident youth deer license for that particu-
          An unfilled deer antlered license may be   lar season for each deer hunted.
        used to harvest an antlerless deer on the last

                                 2021-2022 OKLAHOMA FISHING & HUNTING REGULATIONS                              57
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