Page 24 - September/October Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine
P. 24

PROVIDED                                                     is my deer.” Weston chuckled when Walker
                                                                       made the very honest comment that he
                                                                       would most likely shoot the first deer that
                                                                       came in, regardless of what they were seeing
                                                                       on game cameras.
                                                                         Walker had taken part in preparing the blind
                                                                       and the area they were hunting. The morning
                                                                       was just starting to come alive as they got into
                                                                       the blind. Walker was fully prepared to take a
                                                                       feral hog or a deer, whichever showed up first.
                                                                         A young forked buck showed up first, and
                                                                       Walker  wanted  to  take  a  shot.  But  his  dad
                                                                       encouraged him to wait and see what else
                                                                       might come through; after all, this was only the
                                                                       first 10 minutes of the season. Walker had been
                                                                       true to his words the day before and wanted to
                                                                       take the first deer to arrive, but Weston told
                                                                       him to hold out for a bigger buck.
                                                                         Shortly, six does came in. Two smallish bucks
                                                                       were dogging them in the distance, but they
                                                                       didn’t get close enough for Walker to shoot.
                                                                       Walker was focused on the biggest doe of the
                                                                       group, and when it presented a good shot, the
                                                                       rifle roared and that big doe hit the ground
                                                                       after a short run into the woods.
                                                                         Excited, Walker and Weston walked to the
                                                                       mature doe, and Weston stood out of kick-
                                                                       ing distance and pushed on the doe with a
                                                                       long stick.
                                                                         The doe was dead!
                                                                         Walker helped his dad get the deer loaded,
                                                                       and he wanted to take it by his Pa’s house to
                                                                       show it to him! His grandfather Gerald Lovell is
                                                                       also one of my mentors, and I consider him an
                                                                       uncle even though there is no DNA that con-
                                                                       nects us. The photo of Walker and his Pa says
                                                                       it all!
                                                                         This story could end here: a conservation
                                                                       kill of a mature doe by a young hunter. But it
                                                                       doesn’t end here. It continues into that evening.
                                                                         Walker suggested they hunt his blind
                                                                       behind the house and try to take a nice eight
                                                                       point they had been seeing on the game
                                                                       camera. Weston agreed, even though the
                                                                       wind wasn’t ideal. It was Walker’s blind and
          Walker Lovell, 7, with the big doe he took shortly after youth deer season opened in
          2021. It was just the start of a remarkable day.             his hunt.

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