Page 27 - September/October Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine
P. 27

Some COOL FACTS About Monarchs:

          • After emerging, monarch butterflies live two to six weeks.
          • Monarch caterpillars can grow up to 2,700 times their             JENA DONNELL/ODWC
           original weight.
          • One tracked monarch flew 265 miles in one day.
          • Male monarchs have a black dot on their hindwings;
           females do not.
          • Monarchs cluster together for warmth.
          • Monarchs use their antennae to smell.
          • A female monarch can lay up to 500 eggs.
          • A monarch’s brain is the size of a pinhead.
          JEFF FLINN/READERS' PHOTO SHOWCASE 2017                                                             ARLENE WINFREY/READERS' PHOTO SHOWCASE 2014

          Color a Critter: Monarch Butterfly

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