Page 46 - September/October Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine
P. 46

a meager hourly wage and lodgings are provided, it’s
          certainly a sacrifice for some interns to “take the job”
          and must give up their work study positions or other                                                WILDLIFEDEPARTMENT.COM
          part time jobs, which may yield higher pay. We hope,
          in the end, that the internship experience has provided
          a worthwhile and enriching experience that pays divi-
          dends far exceeding the wages. Likewise, the value pro-
          vided by the internship program and received by the
          PRC is priceless.

            While the PRC internship has arguably been a great
          success, every Department program benefits from a bit
          of self-reflection. Looking back to the early days, we   Interns collect data at the PRC.
          have made a lot of changes and improvements. One
          of the enhancements that likely had a positive impact   uate degrees in the biological sciences are awarded to
          on interns and the PRC alike is the performance eval-  women nationally (NSF 2019), female representation with-
          uation. Starting in approximately 2013, all PRC interns   in state fish and wildlife agency employment is far lower.
          underwent a performance evaluation at the culmina-  The PRC internship is by no means a shining example on
          tion of their internship experience and were provided   the topics of diversity and inclusion, however 38% of PRC
          the opportunity to give feedback on the program while   interns to date have been female, whereas the ODWC
          receiving feedback on career development. This has   Fish and Wildlife divisions are 21.5% and 7.5% female,
          evolved into a more sub-                                                     respectively. While we
          stantive and consistent                                                      haven’t officially tracked
          feedback  loop  of  com-  “ The PRC and its program provide interns with     the racial makeup of PRC
          munication, training, and   a unique team atmosphere, opportunities to       interns, it is likely that we
          re-evaluation. Intern feed-  interact with anglers and to collaborate on a   have work to do in recruit-
          back has been directly     large-scale data collection effort. Being a part of   ing interns that better rep-
          implemented in improve-    something like the PRC, even for just one season,   resent the racial makeup
          ments to the program.      was undoubtedly a steppingstone in my career.”    of our constituency.
            A consistent issue chal-                                                     We hope that the future
                                       — Alexis Whiles, Fisheries Technician, ODWC
          lenging state agencies,                                                      of the PRC Internship
          with ODWC being no                                                           Program  lies  parallel  to
          exception, is the ability to recruit and hire a diverse work-  that of the PRC itself and will continue to yield success.
          force- one that accurately represents the hunters and fish-  It’s hard to imagine how we could operate the facili-
          ers making up our constituency. Often females and racial   ty without the program. Hopefully the internship pro-
          minorities are under-represented in the ranks of fish and   gram will continue to serve as a recruitment pipeline for
          wildlife agency employment. While 60.5% of undergrad-  future Department employees and we’ll do our best to
                                                             give them some solid training on the fundamentals of
            INTERESTED IN A PRC INTERNSHIP?                  customer service, fish and wildlife management, scien-
              College students or those who have complet-    tific data collection, and other concepts aligned with the
            ed a natural resources curriculum may apply for   Department’s mission.
            a Paddlefish Research Center internship. Appli-
                       cations are generally available
                       on the Department’s website in November, with   Literature Cited: National Science Foundation National Center for
                                                             Science and Engineering Statistics. (2019). Women, Minorities, and
                       a submission deadline in January for a March-  Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2019. (Special
                       April internship. For more, scan the codes.  report NSF 19-304).

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