Page 44 - September/October Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine
P. 44

interns’ second responsibility is no less important. They are   er projects such as fisheries equipment maintenance, data
          responsible for handling each paddlefish respectfully while   entry, facility and grounds maintenance, nighttime larvae
          we examine, measure, weigh, and remove age structures   collections, and creel surveys.
          from each whole fish in addition to weighing gonads and   Working at the PRC can be an intense two months of
          fat deposits from the viscera. Other related data collec-  long weekends. A large majority of interns are enrolled
          tions are variable and range from tissue sample collections   students working weekends at the PRC while maintain-
          to examination of microscopic tags to determine origins or   ing a full course load. Many hours of test prep have been
          movement of the paddlefish. As time allows, interns work   completed between truckloads of fish or at the hotel
          independently or in teams on an endless number of small-  in Miami. While the internship is a paid position with

          “ The PRC is great for students
           pursuing a career in fisheries                                                                     WILDLIFEDEPARTMENT.COM
           management or related fields
           to get actual field experience
           that the classroom simply
           can’t offer. It also offers a great
           opportunity for networking
           and building connections.”

               — Donnie King, Fisheries
                     Technician, ODWC
                                           The PRC intern class of 2022.
                                                                                                              <NO DATA FROM LINK>

          PRC interns collect tissue samples for a study underway in London on natural sunscreen derivatives in fish.

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