Page 40 - September/October Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine
P. 40


                      pon the development of the Paddlefish Research Center in 2008, the Department quickly
                      realized that running the PRC to its full potential required a lot of passion and long hours.
                      Snag anglers from across the United States made the journey to Miami, Oklahoma, the
          Uself-proclaimed “Spoonbill Capital of the World”, to participate in an annual tradition of
          springtime snagging for paddlefish. The Department seized the opportunity to better manage this
          important species in Oklahoma while providing a fish cleaning service to the anglers, collecting unprec-
          edented amounts of fisheries data for sustainable stock assessment, and salvaging roe to make caviar

          — the funds from which help support research and conservation programs statewide. Initially, these
          efforts were made possible only through the selfless assistance of our fellow Department employees,
          especially Fisheries Division. However, this wasn’t a permanent solution and to effectively staff the PRC
          required a rethink. The PRC appeared to have massive research and education potential… what if it
          were staffed by people who would most benefit from this? Thus spawned the PRC Internship program.

          GOALS OF THE PRC INTERNSHIP PROGRAM                for college credit for their internship experience and we

            From its inaugural year in 2011, the PRC Internship pro-  have encouraged interns to pursue special projects while
          gram had two goals in mind. First, was to provide an edu-  at the PRC to benefit their college curriculum.
          cational experience for collegiate individuals. The PRC was   The second goal of the program was to establish rela-
          an ideal location for college students and aspiring natural   tionships with regional universities for future paddle-
          resource career-seekers to get some hands-on experience.   fish research collaborations. The paddlefish specimens
          Thinking back to my days                                                     donated by anglers  to
          adrift as an undergraduate,                                                  the PRC provide endless
                                    “ The PRC is a great place to observe anglers and
          an internship truly opened                                                   opportunities for research
                                     biologists working together to not only preserve
          my eyes and set me on a                                                      and investigation and we
                                     a fishery, but also improve our knowledge base
          career path to where I am                                                    make every effort to uti-
                                     on the requirements a species needs to survive.”
          today.  The most effective                                                   lize these specimens to
          and  satisfied  employee       — Nate Copeland, Geographic Information       their  full  potential.  Other
          is one who is consistently                    Systems engineer, Gaia GPS     state, federal, tribal, and
          inspired and challenged                                                      international entities have
          by work that they enjoy. College student interns fit this   reached out to the PRC for assistance in collecting data,
          dynamic  well  and  serve  as  the  vibrant,  passionate,  and   which we have always obliged. Essentially, many of
          inquisitive public face of the PRC. Interns learn firsthand   these data collections, or mini-research projects, have
          from Department employees about fisheries management,   been performed by PRC interns. Because there is far
          regulations, data collection and analyses, and other tech-  more than enough data to go around, as it were, the
          nical skills – all valuable experiences in their chosen career   PRC and paddlefish management benefit by inspiring
          path of natural resources. Some interns have also opted-in   others to collaborate on projects. The list of completed

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