Page 36 - September/October Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine
P. 36

LISA PHILLIPS/BLM CC-BYNCND2.0                                               ogists’ goal of an antlerless
                                                                                       deer harvest between 40
                                                                                       and 45 percent. This is
                                                                                       imperative to the statewide
                                                                                       health of the deer herd.
                                                                                         Quality bucks continue
                                                                                       to be harvested from every
                                                                                       corner of the state, which
                                                                                       is good news regardless of
                                                                                       the reason anyone hunts.
                                                                                       Continuing to use sci-
                                                                                       ence-based regulations and
                                                                                       partnering with our willing
                                                                                       hunters as deer managers
          Table 5: Pronghorn Harvest by County, Sex, and Method
                                                                                       has resulted in a  path of
                                 Archery                   Gun                         positivity. This path leads
          County            Buck        Doe         Buck         Doe         Total
          Texas              7           1           10          25           43       us to balanced deer herds
          Cimarron           13          0           39          57          109       in comparison to available
          Grand Total        20          1           49          82          152
                                                                                       habitat, and healthy age
                              to heart ODWC’s deer management slogan   structures. With good habitat and healthy age
                              “Hunters in the Know … Let Young Bucks   structures come healthy populations and mature
                              Grow!” over the past several years.      bucks. Who can argue with that?
                                                                         But deer management is fluid and requires
                              Conclusions                              an adaptive management approach. The work
                                After several boosts likely due to COVID-19,   never stops in pursuit of those goals.
                              the harvest and participation numbers from the   Antlerless harvest will continue to be empha-
                              2021-22 big game seasons are back to levels that   sized within Oklahoma’s deer management
                              could be considered on-trend. Hunters contin-  goals, and I know our hunters will take that chal-
                              ue to have ample opportunities to enjoy healthy   lenge head-on. I’ve seen them do it before. So
                              and thriving populations across the state.  remember, every time that you decide to pull
                                While deer harvest was slightly down com-  the trigger, release an arrow, or pass on a deer,
                              pared to last year, hunters did achieve the biol-  you’re making a management decision that

                                                                                           effects the deer pop-
          Figure 11: Buck Age at Harvest 2021-22 (in Years)  Figure 12: Doe Age at Harvest 2021-22 (in Years)
                                                                                           ulation at your local
                                                                                           level, whether that’s
                                                                                           a  20-acre  farm or a
                                                                                           1,000-acre ranch.
                                                                                             So, for even better
                                                                                           big game hunting in
                                                                                           years to come, keep in
                                                                                           mind these simple slo-
                                                                                           gans: “Hunters in the
                                                                                           Know … Let Young
                                                                                           Bucks Grow!” and
                                                                                           “Hunters in the Know
               1.5  2.5  3.5  4.5  5.5  6.5+            1.5  2.5  3.5  4.5  5.5  6.5+
               11.0%  17.3%  25.1%  25.1%  14.5%  6.9%  16.2%  15.3%  25.0%  15.0%  18.5%  9.9%  … Take a Doe!”

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