Page 43 - September/October Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine
P. 43

University, 15 from Rogers State University, 7 from Tulsa   with the public, teamwork, and technical skills like equip-
          Community College, 5 from University of Oklahoma, and   ment operation are easily transferable whether an intern’s
          10 from other universities                                                   passions lie in fisheries,
          in Oklahoma or from other                                                    wildlife, or other.
                                    “ My time at the  PRC was everything  a great
          states. Interns have ranged                                                    The roster of 104 current
                                     internship should be: educational, challenging,
          in classification and expe-                                                  and former PRC interns is
                                     rewarding, and lots of fun! I left the PRC with a
          rience from college fresh-                                                   impressive. Eleven former
                                     fresh appreciation of the hard work, dedication,
          men to graduates with                                                        PRC interns are current full-
                                     and passion that goes into managing our wildlife.”
          master’s degrees. Most                                                       time ODWC employees
          have been traditional stu-                             — Kayleigh Locke,     in Fisheries Division (nine)
          dents; however, some                     Ecologist, Stantec Environmental    and the Law Enforcement
          interns have pursued the                                                     Division (two). An addi-
          opportunity in contribution to a second degree or career   tional three former interns were hired by ODWC but have
          (i.e. post-retirement or post-military service). Interns have   since moved on to other careers.
          pursued numerous degree programs including fisheries,   As a next step in their educational or career develop-
          wildlife, ecology, agronomy, integrative biology, zoology,   ment, many PRC interns secured additional internship roles
          and other natural resource curriculums. Many of the activ-  in other Department programs. While we haven’t been
          ities and opportunities provided by the PRC, such as data   able to keep track of every former PRC intern in a “where
          collection and entry, customer service, communication   are they now” sort of fashion, many have used their expe-
                                                             rience as a steppingstone to graduate-level education and
          WILDLIFEDEPARTMENT.COM                             and entities.
                                                             worthwhile careers with other natural resource agencies

                                                             LIFE AS A PRC INTERN
                                                               The PRC intern team performs two primary functions-
                                                             customer service and fisheries data collection. By design,
                                                             they are the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed representatives
                                                             of the Department who are interacting with the anglers
                                                             when they check in a paddlefish, seek information, and
                                                             collect their fillets. For these tasks, customer service is key,
                                                             and we pride ourselves on the ability to make sure that
                                                             the anglers take home positive memories from their fish-
                                                             ing trip and their interactions with the Department. The
          The “weekday team” from the PRC class of 2018.


          The PRC intern class of 2019, including current ODWC employee Nathanael Hull (third from left).

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