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and vest, and a hunting license are needed. It   Slingshots and bows and arrows are also
                              doesn’t get much simpler than that.      legal methods for squirrel hunting, but an
                                The selection of a method of take is perhaps   inexperienced urbanite probably should not
                              the most crucial choice a new hunter will have   try to use those methods.
                              to make. Shotguns are hard to beat for squirrel   Under no circumstances should a person
                              hunting, as they allow hunters to hit a running   just be given a gun and taken to the woods to
                              bushytail as it moves from tree to tree or tries   hunt. It is wise to schedule a range session for
                              to use leaves for concealment during the early   the new hunter to learn about the firearm and
                              part of the season. A .22-caliber rifle is ideal   marksmanship.  Doing  so  will  increase  safety
                              for harvesting squirrels. It has taken millions   and chances of success on the hunt. Don’t be
                              of squirrels in the U.S. since its introduction   surprised if city dwellers already own a gun
                              in 1887. Air rifles, or pellet guns, are another   suitable for hunting.
                              popular option for hunting squirrels, as thou-  A new hunter looking for a place to hunt
                              sands of American youths, particularly those   may have better luck gaining access in some
                              in urban environments, likely used an air rifle   areas if they hunt with an air rifle or shotgun,
                              when they learned how to shoot.          because of their limited range. Most people

          JENNY RISHER/MIDWEST ASSN FISH&WILDLIFE AGENCIES  One of the biggest perks of squirrel hunting is having fun with friends and family . Unlike big

             game hunting, where one must be quiet and constantly aware of the wind, a squirrel hunter
             can be more relaxed and partake in a few jokes . This within itself makes squirrel hunting

             perfect for introducing new people to hunting .

          16                                                                                      OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA
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