Page 15 - 2023MayJun
P. 15

Chasing bushytails can be an

             excellent way to introduce urban                                                                 DENNIS BEHM/FLICKR CC-BYNCND2

             and inner-city people to hunting .

          Let’s face it:                           offer a buffet of potential hunters. The ability to

                                                   set aside social perceptions and stigmas is criti-
          Squirrel hunting has never been as popular as   cal. Folks from the city may look, dress, and talk
          deer hunting. But chasing bushytails can be an   differently, but their mutual interest in hunting
          excellent way to introduce urban and inner-  is what we should hone in on.
          city people to hunting.                   A common tactic I use is to seek opportu-
            Despite what some might believe, urban   nities to stand before groups, kids and adults
          and inner-city people do have an interest in   alike, and ask two simple questions: “Who has
          hunting. While city dwellers may be more   ever been hunting?” and “Who would like the
          accustomed to seeing a squirrel sitting on a   opportunity to go hunting?” These questions
          park bench, they will be surprised to learn that   usually spark discussion and interest, and pro-
          squirrels make delicious table fare.     duce a pool of people ready to go hunting.
            Furthermore, squirrel hunting offers a lower   Perhaps the biggest obstacle when intro-
          price of entry and increased likelihood of a new   ducing city people to squirrel hunting is get-
          hunter returning to the woods on their own.   ting them to see squirrels as a source of food
            Since you are likely someone already   and to overlook the fact they are rodents. One
          involved in hunting or interested in intro-  can  usually  close  the  deal  by  talking  about
          ducing others to the sport, let’s look at why   “survival.” The urbanites interested in going
          squirrel hunts are ideal for introducing city   hunting are traditionally the more adventur-
          dwellers to hunting.                     ous types and those with an innate interest in
            First, we need to find our audience. This can   being self-sufficient. 2020 served as a wake-up
          be easy if you know where to look. Schools,   call for many. Plenty of Americans were raised
          social organizations, churches, and social media   on squirrels. In an actual survival situation, we

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