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will  dismiss  an  air  rifle  as  a  toy  or  marginal   ble. This is when adding a dog to the hunt can
                              for squirrels at best, but a pellet gun can be   up the action. If one wants to give city dwell-
                              highly  effective. A  squirrel  dinner is  almost   ers a squirrel hunt to remember, find someone
                              guaranteed if one can get a .177 or .22-cal-  with a good squirrel dog and let the amaze-
                              iber pellet at 700 to 1,100 feet-per-second   ment begin. Most city people have never seen
                              velocity to connect on a head or shoulder   a hunting dog in action.
                                                                         Beagles may be the name of the game
          COURTESY VOICE OF LEADERSHIP PANEL                           when it comes to rabbits, walkers or
                                                                       blueticks may be the choice for raccoons,
                                                                       but  it  is  hard  to  beat  a  treeing  fiest  or  cur
                                                                       when it comes to squirrel hunting. Success
                                                                       rates will go way up, as the dogs can track
                                                                       the scent of squirrels.
                                                                         Although urban dwellers live in cities, they
                                                                       realize the importance of being self-suffi-
                                                                       cient and being able to feed their families
                                                                       if the need arises. Learning to squirrel hunt
                                                                       can provide the skill set needed to do just
                              shot. More advanced air guns shoot pellets   that. Squirrel hunting is an activity that can
                              up to .35-caliber or larger and can quickly   be easily duplicated after one’s first experi-
                              drop squirrels.                          ence. And squirrels are delicious. It doesn’t
                                 When introducing people to hunting, it’s   matter if they are fried, baked, sautéed,
                              vital to make it as fun and productive as possi-  grilled, or roasted over an open fire.


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