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are not hunter ed certified may buy an apprentice-designated
          license and must abide by accompanying hunter requirements.
          The hunter ed course is offered for free on ODWC’s website,                                         WILDLIFEDEPARTMENT.COM
 In-person classes are
          offered across the state throughout the year and are listed
          on when scheduled.

          Q: Is it legal for me to take the antlers or meat from
          a road-killed deer?
            A: It is unlawful for any person to possess any meat, head,
          hide, or any part of the carcass of any wildlife not legally taken.
          A road-killed deer is considered as game taken illegally by
          an unapproved method of take. Game Wardens may issue a
          special disposition if requested, provided the reporting party
          adheres to all instructions.
            The Wildlife Department does not remove dead animals from
          roadways. Contact the street or highway maintaining authority
          to report the road kill.

          Q: Can I cross the fence to recover the deer I shot?  Dead animals should be reported to road maintenance agencies
            A: It is illegal to trespass onto private property. Hunters will   for removal.
          need to get landowner permission before entering to recover any
          game harvested. If you cannot find the landowner to ask permis-
          sion, the county Game Warden might be able to help.

          Q: Does a Game Warden have the right to enter                                                       DONALD LEE PARDUE/FLICKR CC-BY2
          private property to check licenses?
            A:  Game Wardens can legally go anywhere they need to
          enforce the wildlife codes of the state. Game Wardens are
          granted full police powers so they can enforce laws other
          than those found within the wildlife codes. Usually this is done
          in cooperation with county sheriff officers, Highway Patrol
          personnel, and local police. Game Wardens are well-trained
          professionals and will help a citizen every chance they possibly
          can. But the primary function of a Game Warden is to enforce
          the laws that regulate sport fishing and hunting. Nearly 95
          percent of Oklahoma's land is privately owned, and Game
          Wardens would not be able to conduct their appointed tasks
          without private property access.
            The public can help Game Wardens  be more effective   Fishing streams that flow through private land is legal as long as
                                                               anglers don’t contact the property under or alongside the water.
          by providing valuable information about game and fish law
          violators through Operation Game Thief. Anonymous reports
          can be made by calling (800) 522-8039 from 8 a.m. to 4:30
          p.m. weekdays. Information leading to a conviction could                                            KELLY ADAMS/ODWC
          earn the caller a cash reward.

          Q: I found a baby rabbit, (or any other kind of
          animal) what should I do with it?
            A: The best practice is to leave young wildlife alone. Chances
          are the parents are nearby keeping an eye on their young.
            Unfortunately for many fledglings, their first attempts to fly
          land many of them on the ground. They are not abandoned. The
          parents continue to care for them and usually in a short time
          these young birds are able to fly and fend for themselves. If you
          are able, put them back in the nest. If you can't reach the nest,   Game Wardens may enter private property to enforce federal and
                                                               state wildlife codes.

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