Page 30 - 2023MayJun
P. 30

Conservation Efforts Soar With a Diverse Flock
    By Jena Donnell, Communication and Education Specialist




                                                                                                              BILL HORN

          Long-billed dowitchers,   By Jena Donnell, Communication and   about the outdoors; and administrative person-
          stilt sandpipers, Wilson’s
          phalaropes and other   Education Specialist                  nel manage conservation grant programs and
          shorebirds take flight over   To meet its constitutional directive to man-  sell licenses to hunters and anglers.
          an Oklahoma wetland.
                              age and  conserve the bird, fish, game and   Because the Wildlife Department is large-
                              wildlife resources of the state, the Oklahoma   ly funded by the sale of hunting and fishing
                              Department of Wildlife Conservation has   licenses, much of the agency’s flock is dedicat-
                                                                       ed to management and conservation of game
                                                 gathered a large and
          JENA DONNELL/ODWC                      diverse flock of experts.   species. But a small wing of the Department,
                                                                       the Wildlife Diversity Program, concentrates its
                                                 Biologists maintain fish
                                                 and wildlife popula-
                                                                       with a special focus on species considered to
                                                 tions and  their habitats   efforts on species that aren’t hunted or fished,
                                                 on the state’s Wildlife   be of greatest conservation need.
                                                 Management Areas and    The Wildlife Diversity Program officially
                                                 lakes; Game Wardens   started in 1981 when the Oklahoma Legislature
                                                 enforce hunting and   opened a revolving fund for the purpose of
                                                 fishing regulations; a   “preserving, protecting, perpetuating and
                                                 communications and    enhancing nongame wildlife in this state.” But
                                                 education team shares   the program didn’t really take flight until 1983,
                                                 stories and knowledge   when the first staff members were hired.

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