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In the four decades since, the program has
          added three additional staff members and   WILDLIFE DIVERSITY PROGRAM TIMELINE
          considerably bolstered the larger Wildlife   1981
          Department flock by joining forces with doz-
                                                     The  Nongame Wildlife
          ens of conservation partners. Through these   Improvement  Program
          partnerships, fish and wildlife populations have   Act is signed into law, creat-
          been documented and assessed; a developing   ing what is now the Wildlife
                                                     Diversity  Program.  The  act
          base of knowledge has been shared with the
                                                     also created a Nongame
          public; and nongame conservation priorities   Wildlife Improvement Fund to
          have been identified in a statewide compre-  support the program. Wildlife enthusiasts first contrib-
          hensive strategic plan.                    uted to the fund by donating a portion of their state tax
                                                     refund, an opportunity that continues today.
            As the Wildlife Department looks to the future,
          it will continue to lean on this Comprehensive   1983
          Wildlife Conservation Strategy, which serves as   The first Nongame Program staff members, two
          a guiding document for the Wildlife Diversity   biologists and an information specialist, are hired.
          Program. The  strategy  not only identifies   1984
          Oklahoma species that are rare, uncommon, or   Nongame News, a seasonal newsletter offering
          declining, but also identifies their key habitats   program updates, is published for the first time.
          and conservation issues, and proposes a variety   Stories about Oklahoma’s fish and wildlife and the people that
                                                     work to conserve them are now shared in the monthly e-newsletter, The Wild
          of actions that could restore those species and
                                                     Side. Subscribe at
          their habitats.
            By maintaining strong partner-
          ships with conservation-minded indi-                              The Oklahoma Tax Commission releases the
                                                                            first wildlife conservation license plates, a
          viduals, agencies, and organizations,
                                                                            new fundraising opportunity for the Wildlife
          and fostering new connections, the                                Department. Today, wildlife enthusiasts can
          Wildlife Diversity Program aims to                                choose from nine plate designs.
          fulfill the goals in this strategic planning docu-  1996
          ment and meet the combined goal of conserv-
                                                     The Nongame Program gets a name change. The Wildlife Diversity Program
          ing Oklahoma’s wildlife heritage.          was thought to describe the broad scope of the program more accurately.

                                                 JENA DONNELL/ODWC  2002
                                                     The Wildlife Department begins receiving State Wildlife Grant funding.
                                                     To learn more about the conservation work funded by this program, turn
                                                     to page 30.
                                                     The state’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy is updated,
                                                     identifying 313 species of greatest conservation need. This strategy directs
                                                     the Department’s conservation efforts and priorities, and is updated on a
                                                     10-year schedule.
                                                                     The Fourth Edition of A Field Guide to Oklahoma’s
                                                                       Reptiles and Amphibians  is  published,
                                                                         showcasing  the  state’s  140  species  of
                                                                            salamanders, frogs, turtles, lizards,
                                                                              snakes and alligator. This customized
                                                                                guide is available at www.

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