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            In fact, more than half of the completed grants  have focused on species
          or  community-based  assessments. These surveys  have  illuminated  the  cave
          life found in northeastern Oklahoma, tallied the mammal communities found
          on western Wildlife Management Areas, and mapped winter bird occurrences
          across the state. While most projects are limited to a two- to four-year  funding
          period, others spark a series of projects that more fully implement the state’s
          conservation plan.
            Mark Howery, a senior wildlife biologist who was instru-
                                                               Project updates are regularly shared in  The Wild
          mental in shaping Oklahoma’s State Wildlife Grant Program,
                                                               Side monthly e-newsletter. Subscribe at www.tinyurl.
          said, “Grants often build upon earlier work. A prime exam-
                                                               com/ODWC-wild-side. To review
          ple is a project that looked at the genetic variation among
                                                               final reports from many surveys and
          populations of alligator snapping turtles.
                                                               research funded by the State Wildlife
            “We learned these turtles aren’t very genetically diverse,
                                                               Grants Program, scan this code:
          which means biologists can responsibly take an alligator
          snapping turtle whose parents came from the Arkansas River
          watershed and release it in the Red River watershed because the two populations
          are so genetically similar. This project has been foundational for the reintroduction
          work now occurring at the Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge.”
            The planning efforts necessary for identifying survey and research needs have
          similarly inspired long-term conservation work.
            “Planning grants can provide the information needed to move project-level
          funding into program-level funding,” Howery said. “For example, a paddlefish
          research project, along with other work funded by the Sport Fish Restoration

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