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            EDITOR’S NOTE: Each year, the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation and Oklahoma Station Chapter Safari Club Interna-
          tional sponsor a creative writing competition for middle and high school students. A boy and a girl from two age divisions are selected
          winners. Students write essays using the theme “Hunting: Sharing the Heritage” or “Archery: What I Like About Archery in the Schools
          and Bowhunting.” Winners in the age 15-17 category receive a guided antelope hunt in the Texas Panhandle, and winners in the 11-14
          age category receive a hunting trip with Rack Attack Outfitters of Fairview (or similar) and a scholarship to the Outdoor Texas Camp. In
          this issue, Outdoor Oklahoma honors senior category male winner Aaron Chesnut, 16, from Rush Springs High Schools

                              By Aaron Chesnut                         100 yards away, and I pulled the trigger.
                                It all started in 2017 when I finally was able   About 30 minutes later, we climbed down
                              to convince my father to take me deer hunt-  and began to search for blood where he

                              ing. I remember seeing pictures of my cousins   had been standing. We looked for a good
                              and uncle with their big bucks, and I knew   30 minutes in that area, and we started to
                              immediately that I wanted to shoot one of   get doubtful. I remember dad still standing
                              my own. We have trained bird dogs and bird   there with the flashlight looking for blood
                              hunted for as long as I can remember, but   as I walked into the trees where I had seen
                              that was all we did. That was all Dad and my   him enter the woods. I walked for another 10
                              grandfather had ever done, and they were   yards and what I saw next brought tears to

                              satisfied with that, so they naturally leaned   my eyes and joy to my heart. I saw the deer
                              more toward bird hunting rather than deer   draped over a log with its head propped up
                                                  hunting. I finally told   on a branch. I quickly called Dad over, and we
             I walked for another 10              Dad that I was going   dragged him out of the woods so we could
           yards and what I saw next              to ask my uncle to   see him better. Upon further examination,
                                                  take me, which got   we determined that this was not just any
            brought tears to my eyes
                                                  Dad’s attention and   buck, but this was a nontypical buck with 19
               and joy to my heart.               instead (he would)   points. All I remember was Dad hugging me
                                                  take me.             and telling me how proud he was of me. I am

                                Later on opening day of rifle season, Dad   reminded of that night every time I walk in the
                              and I were sitting in our stand at the back   door and see the buck on the wall.
                              of our  property.  We  watched  a  few  does   Ever since then, I was different. Dad and
                              move through for about two and a half    I would go hunting every chance we got.
                              hours before any real activity took place. All   Before I had only gone duck hunting when it
                              of a sudden, the does eating at the feeder   was not too cold. Even when I did go, I would
                              were spooked and took off into the trees at   not really hunt. I would always pet the dog

                              the opposite end of the field. Not a minute   and blow my call annoyingly. Now, I assist in
                              later, a buck comes running out of the trees   training our dogs and want to pursue wildlife
                              and up the tree line. I was 11 years old, so   ecology as a career.
                              I could not tell if his rack was amazing or   It is safe to say that hunting and the mem-
                              not, I just wanted to take him down. He   ories provided have changed my life and
                              stopped, turned perfectly broadside about   brought my family closer together.

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