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                                Oklahoma’s hunting and fishing licenses have been   Collector’s Per-
                              around for generations. But it wasn’t until 1948 when   mits  are  issued
                              the Wildlife Department’s Oklahoma Game and Fish   based on col-                JENA DONNELL/ODWC
                              News clarified that “the license also is required for   lection purpose
                              hunting any kind of bird, animal or reptile and is not   and the species
                              confined to game species alone.”         sought, and have
                                As with other laws, regulations surrounding rep-  an annual report-
                              tiles and amphibians have evolved through the years.   ing requirement
                              Today, the license required for taking or attempting   before the collec-
                              to take reptiles and amphibians depends on where   tor can apply for
                              the animal is collected or harvested.    the permit in the
                                Oklahoma residents 16 years or older must have a   following year.
                              valid hunting license to collect or capture a land-dwell-  In addition to
                              ing reptile or amphibian. A valid fishing license is   the license require-
                              required for water-dwelling animals. Those younger   ments, collectors
                              than 16 are exempted from either license. Landown-  must also be aware
                              ers, lessees, or occupants of lands are also exempted   of daily limits and
                              from a license when reptiles other than those listed   any closed seasons
                              as endangered or threatened are creating a nuisance.   or area closures.
                                Most reptiles and amphibians have a statewide,   Most reptiles
                              year-round open season, but 12 reptile species and   have a limit of six  American toad captured at
                              13 amphibian species have a statewide closed sea-  per day or in pos-  Cookson WMA.
                              son and can only be collected with a valid Scientific   session, while most amphibians have a limit of four
                              Collector’s Permit. This allows research teams to   per day or in possession. One notable exception:
                              legally study rare or declining species such as the   The American bullfrog, Oklahoma’s state amphibian,
                              Texas horned lizard, alligator snapping turtle, Okla-  has a collection limit of 15 per day or in possession.
                              homa salamander, and grotto salamander. Scientific   Other exceptions and reptile and amphibian laws
                                                                       can be found in the current Oklahoma Fishing and
          JENA DONNELL/ODWC                                            at or through the Go Out-
                                                                       Hunting Regulations.
                                                                         A copy of the current regulations may be accessed

                                                                       doors Oklahoma mobile app. Hunting or fishing
                                                                       licenses and “A Field Guide to Oklahoma’s Amphib-
                                                                       ians and Reptiles” are sold in the app’s “Shop” tab.
                                                                                —By Jena Donnell, Communication and
                                                                                              Education Specialist
                                                                                                              JENA DONNELL/ODWC

          Hog-nosed snake captured on Beaver River WMA.

                                                                       Texas horned lizard being measured at Cooper WMA.
                                                                       These lizards have a statewide closed season and may not
          Six-lined racerunner captured at Cimarron Hills WMA.         be handled without a Scientific Collector’s Permit.

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