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WILD ABOUT COOKING                                              IT’S THE LAW:

          FRIED FROG LEGS                                                 BULLFROG HARVEST

            Just in time for this issue’s Wildlife Diversity theme is this simple yet tasty   REGULATIONS
          recipe for fried frog legs. Often considered a dining delicacy in the South, the   Do you need a fishing license or hunting
          light meat is said to have a mild flavor like chicken, or perhaps the slight taste   license when taking bullfrogs? It depends
          of fish. People sometimes compare them to chicken wings; it takes more than   on your method of take. Bullfrogs taken
          two frog legs to make a meal.
                                                                          with a firearm requires the shooter to have
                                                                          a resident or nonresident hunting license.
          ANAGORIA/CC-BY3                                                 Bullfrogs  taken  with  hook  and  line,  gig,
                                                                          spear, bow and arrow, or other methods
                                                                          that do not employ a firearm require the
                                                                          angler to have a resident or nonresident
                                                                          fishing license. Bullfrogs may be taken
                                                                          year-round. The daily limit is 15. Bullfrogs
                                                                          may not be sold or shipped out of state.
                                                                          Bullfrog harvest is not allowed on the
                                                                          Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge.
                                                                            — Lydia Gearhart, Communication Intern

                                                                         WAYS TO SUPPORT

                                                                         WILDLIFE DIVERSITY

                                                                           Donating $5, $15, or even $25 to the Wildlife
                                                                         Diversity Fund is just one of the many ways you
                                                                         can get involved in conservation efforts of our
                                                                         state’s fish and wildlife. The Wildlife Department
                                                                         can use these donations to learn more about
                                                                         where our nongame fish and wildlife live and
                                                                         identify potential strongholds for rare or declin-
                                                                         ing species.
                                                                           And, we’re able to nearly triple every donation
                                                                         when we leverage them with available federal
          INGREDIENTS                 DIRECTIONS                         funds. This means we can fund more time in the
                                                                         field to research our state’s species of greatest
          12 pairs of frog legs       • Wash frog legs under cold water.  conservation need.
          6 Tbsps. paprika            • Soak frog legs in mixture of milk, salt, and   Adding a Wildlife Conservation  specialty
          ½ tsp. salt                   3 tablespoons paprika for 5 minutes.  license plate to your vehicle is another way to
          1-½ cups flour              • Heat vegetable oil to 375 degrees.  help the Wildlife Diversity Program fund surveys of
          2 cups milk                                                    rare or declining nongame fish and wildlife. Twenty
                                      • Season flour with 3 tablespoons paprika   dollars of the $39 fee ($36.50 for renewals) goes to
          Vegetable oil                 and dip frog legs in seasoned mix. Shake   the Wildlife Department. Specialty license plate
                                        off excess flour.                fees are in addition to annual registration fees.
                                      • Fry legs for 3 to 5 minutes depending on   Lastly, you can donate all or a portion of
                                        size of legs. Turn legs frequently to keep   your state tax refund to the Wildlife Depart-
                                        from burning.                    ment’s Wildlife Diversity Program. So next
                                                                         tax season, look for the Wildlife Diversity Pro-
                                      Note: Paprika is optional as it doesn’t   gram on Schedule 511-H, the
                                      affect the flavor. However, the meat takes   donations list of your income
                                      on a more appealing golden-brown color   tax form.
                                      as it fries.                         To  donate  to  the  Wildlife
                                         — Capt. Tracy Daniel, Game Warden   Diversity Fund, scan the code.
                                                        Supervisor (Ret.)

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