Page 26 - ODO 2024 JanFeb online version
P. 26

Conservation for Kids
            Pages Providing Learning and Fun for Youngsters


              Fun Outdoors!                   for Kids!

              Our feathered friends can have a
              tough time finding enough food
              during winter, especially when snow
              covers everything. Why not help
              them out by providing a homemade
              bird feeder? Using wild bird seed,
              lard or vegetable shortening,
              string and paper cups, it’s an easy   Word Search:
              project. Hang by a window and
              keep a list of the bird species that   Animals That Are Trapped
              visit. To learn about this project, go
              homemade-bird-feeders.           M N U T R I A B E A V E R B R A
                                               S U T X O F R E G D A B M M N T

              Hunting Tip                      W B S K O E I I H G K F X F U L

              There is still plenty of hunting action   R O U K O F S A V I M A M F K W
              available in Oklahoma through
              February 2024. Archery seasons   R B T I R C D A X E N P S W N Z
              remain open until Jan. 15 for deer,   U C D A C A W E S F R U P E U L
              elk, and turkey. Duck season is open
              through Jan. 3 in the Panhandle and   I A E W H F T K R H U O Y R K M
              through Jan. 28 in the rest of the
              state. Pheasant season is open   V T Y F O B N R Y R B J T V S A
              through Jan. 31. Quail season    H L A X E I H E O M X M B T D U
              is open through Feb. 15. Squirrel
              season is open through Feb. 28.   W J L A M U S S O P O Z C T E N
              Furbearer season is open through
              Feb. 29. Rabbit season is open   J Q Y N I Z S R M I F O A Y P R
              through March 15.
                                              W C P R N F T E D F Y K M R I E
                                               T Z Z H P B W G Z O A U M Y R J
              Fishing Tip                      S M R T U W Y O T G R W V R T Q

              The average water temperature in
              Oklahoma’s lakes during January   Q X A X K S D E W M G S C O S J
              and  February is from  40 to 55   C D Z F Z R G N Y X R K O V E J
              degrees. Those chilly conditions
              cause many of our game fish to slow
              down and curtail feeding activities.   Find and circle these animals that are pursued by trappers
              But there are some fish species that   in Oklahoma.
              still offer some good fish-catching   Beaver            Muskrat               Bobcat
              opportunities throughout the winter.   River Otter      Coyote                Striped Skunk
              Surprisingly these fish include   Nutria                Red Fox               Gray Fox
              crappie and channel catfish!
                                                Badger                Mink                  Opossum

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