Page 9 - ODO 2024 JanFeb online version
P. 9



                                  On Dec. 9, 2023, District 8 Capt. Ben Bickerstaff and   particular youth deer hunt was restricted to those who
                                Game Warden Blake Cottrill, based in Garfield County,   hadn’t previously harvested more than one deer. Out of
                                investigated a hunting incident involving crane hunters   the hopeful applicants, 24 youth hunters were drawn for
                                west of Cherokee.                        the antlerless deer hunt.
                                  The crane hunters reported that a pickup stopped   The weekend’s events were hosted on private lands
                                abruptly on the nearby road, lowered a window   in south central Oklahoma, where youth hunters were
                                and began shooting into their decoy spread with a   guided by Oklahoma Game Wardens, volunteers from
                                high-powered rifle. The driver drove away when the   the OWMA, and landowners. Only two of the youth
                                “cranes” did not disperse. The hunters immediately   hunters had harvested a deer before, highlighting the
                                reported the incident.                   opportunity this event provided for many to experience
                                  Game Wardens were able to locate the men in the   the thrill of the hunt for the first time.
                                pickup, and they were issued citations, and their firearms   On Friday, each hunter had to prove their ability to
                                                    were seized as evidence.  shoot accurately by taking turns at a 100-yard range.
                                                      The men said they were   Saturday’s morning hunt was followed by pizza and a
                                                    just trying to “scare those   presentation of valuable tips and techniques for deer
                                                    cranes off the wheat.”   processing. Several other Game Wardens brought skeet
                                                    But it wasn’t their crop of   shooting equipment.
                                                    wheat to worry about.  The young hunters returned home a bit tired with
                                                      It is particularly danger-  newfound knowledge, experiences, and some fresh deer
                                                    ous to shoot from a road-  meat. The cooperation between OWMA and ODWC is
                                                    way into a decoy spread   a testament to our commitment to wildlife conservation
                                                    or even live birds. In this   and to the recruiting of responsible hunters in Oklahoma.
                                                    case, eight hunters were
                                                    within 20-30 yards of a
                                decoy that was shot using a Savage .204 rifle. Luckily,   The image of two white-tailed deer with locked-up
                                the hunters were not harmed, but this story could have   antlers and tangled in a wire fence was captured in Gar-
                                had a very different outcome.            field County on Game Warden Capt. Ben Bickerstaff’s
                                  Many methods exist to scare waterfowl off of a crop:   body-worn video camera. Bickerstaff skillfully fired his
                                nuisance wildlife control operators are listed on the Wild-  shotgun to remove one of the antlers, freeing the surviv-
                                life Department’s website; local conservation districts/  ing buck from its expired foe.
                                Farm Service agencies often rent out propane cannons;
                                                                                                                ODWC LAW ENFORCEMENT DIV.
                                even USDA Wildlife Services can provide options for farm-
                                ers and landowners to deal with wildlife depredation.

                                                      The Oklahoma Wildlife
                                                    Management Association
                                                    (OWMA) and Wildlife
                                                    Department Game War-
                                                    dens collaborated to host
                                                    a youth deer hunt Dec. 8,
                                                    providing young hunters
                                                    a great opportunity to
                                                    engage in an educational   (Reports from the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife
                                                    weekend filled with out-  Conservation-Game Wardens Facebook page.)
                                                    door adventures.
                                                      In  an  effort to recruit   EDITOR’S NOTE: Please help make a difference!
                                                    the next generation of   When violators break the law, they steal fish and
                                                    hunters and encourage   wildlife from you! Report violations anonymously by
                                responsible hunting practices, ODWC includes youth   calling Operation Game Thief at (800) 522-8039. You
                                hunts in its controlled hunts drawings. Eligibility for this   could earn a cash reward.

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