Page 14 - ODO 2024 JanFeb online version
P. 14


                                                                             To learn more about the
                                                                           controlled hunts process
                                                                           online, scan the code:


                                application period will close in late May 2024.   The Controlled Hunts webpage gives applicants complete
                                                                         information about how to apply and what happens
                                  The online application process is straightfor-  if selected. Check it out under the “Hunting” tab at
                                ward, and the system is designed so that only
                                the applications that are completed correctly   Don’t miss your chance to win one of these
                                will be accepted. This assures every applicant   special hunts that often create lifelong memories.
                                that his entry was successful and that the appli-
                                cant’s name will definitely be in the drawings.   ABOUT CONTROLLED HUNTS
                                  Winners  of  controlled  hunts  are  random-  Controlled hunts are held in areas where
                                ly  selected  through  a  computerized  process   unrestricted public hunting would pose safety
                                that draws applications from the entire pool of   concerns or where overharvest might occur. So,
                                those submitted.                         these hunts take place on Wildlife Department-
                                  Hunters will be able to apply for a speci-  owned or -managed areas where hunting for
                                fied number of hunts within each category,   the target species is normally not permitted.
                                                     which increases one’s   Controlled hunts are offered for deer, elk,
              WHAT’S THE COST?                       chances of being    pronghorn, and turkey.
              A $10 application fee allows multiple   selected for a hunt.   Hunters wishing to go on a controlled hunt
                                                     Hunters will also be   must submit an application, which goes into
              applications in controlled hunt categories
                                                     able to add extra   the running with all other applications for that
              (elk, pronghorn, deer, spring turkey) and
                                                     hunt choices above   hunt. Hunters are selected through random
              includes the option to select Preference   the specified number   drawings in each category.
              Point Only. PointGuard insurance is    allowed, at a cost of   Getting drawn for a controlled hunt is a
              available for an additional $10 for resi-  $3 for each additional   matter of odds. Many controlled hunt choic-
              dents or $50 for nonresidents. Applicants   choice added.  es are highly sought-after, and the number of
                                                      Those not drawn    applications for these marquee hunts greatly
              may also add extra hunt choices beyond
                                                     in a hunt category   exceeds the number of available permits. But
              the standard limit for $3 each. New for
                                                     will gain a preference   if you keep applying year after year, it’s likely
              2024 is the chance to get one additional   point for the drawings   you’ll get a chance sooner or later to enjoy a
              preference point in the elk and prong-  held in that category   controlled hunt.
              horn hunt categories at a cost of $10 for   in future years, as long   How do I participate?  Simply  submit
              residents and $50 for nonresidents.    as the application is   an easy-to-complete application online
                                                     made in the same    through your GoOutdoorsOklahoma account.
                                hunt category. Not only that, but some hunt cat-  Applications are accepted online only.
                                egories allow applications for an entire group of   You cannot submit more than one
                                hunters, which boosts chances of being drawn.  application per category. Since applications

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