Page 17 - ODO 2024 JanFeb online version
P. 17

are completed and submitted online, you will   You might consider adding  PointGuard to
            receive confirmation that your application was   your application as a safety net just in case
            completed correctly. This system helps to   something unexpected comes up and you
            minimize mistakes, so make sure you receive   won’t be able to attend your hunt. This “insur-
            confirmation of your application. If you do have   ance” option is designed to protect your pref-
            any issues, call the toll-free help line listed at the   erence points in the event you are drawn but
            bottom of the webpage, (833) 457-7285, or send   for some reason you won’t be able to go on
            email to  your hunt. PointGuard costs an additional $10
                                                    over the basic application fee for residents, and
            DO THE HOMEWORK                         an additional $50 over the basic application fee
              You can increase your chances by first doing   for nonresidents.
            some research. This article provides data from   Each preference point you earn acts like an
            the most recent controlled hunts drawing   extra application for
            cycle. Anyone who plans to apply this coming   the next year. But if   FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
            year is urged to study the numbers present-  you know you cannot   Who can apply?
            ed here to help guide you as to which hunts   hunt this year and still
            you should apply for if you want higher odds of   want to earn a prefer-  Any  resident  or  nonresident  who
            being selected.                         ence point, you can    possesses a valid hunting license or who is
              For example, you might see that a total of   now choose to mark   otherwise exempt may apply for controlled
            two controlled hunts will be held in the wildlife   your application as   hunts. A list of which hunting licenses are
            management area that you are hoping to hunt.   Preference Point   valid is available at wildlifedepartment.
            You notice the selection odds were greater last   Only. This allows you   com. Applicants must by a license prior to
            year for one of the hunts, so you might decide to   to earn a point this   applying for controlled hunts. Applicants
            apply for that hunt in anticipation that this year’s   year that carries over   who are eligible for, and possess,
            numbers remain about the same as last year’s.  to next year, but will   apprentice-designated hunting licenses
              Every time you apply and do not get select-  keep your name out   may also apply (although some hunts
            ed, you earn a preference point in that catego-  of the hunt drawings   require hunter education certification by
            ry for all future drawings. So, when you apply   for this year. The PPO   the date of the hunt.) Check the website
            next year, it’s like getting your name put into the   option is available   for more information.
            drawing an extra time for each preference point.   as part of the appli-
            Your odds of being drawn improve if you apply   cant’s $10 initial application fee.
            again year after year. This strategy now will be   Your chances of selection only get better
            able to have a greater impact with a new option   each year you apply. If you’ve applied for the
            in 2024 to buy an additional preference in the   controlled hunt of your dreams for five years
            pronghorn and elk hunt categories. Applicants   straight without having been selected, then you
            who spend $10 (for residents) or $50 (for nonres-  will have five “tickets in the hopper” compared
            idents) will carry forward two preference points   to a first-time applicant, who will have one.
            in next year’s elk and pronghorn drawings in the   Although preference points increase your
            event they are not drawn this year.     odds of selection, they do not guarantee that
              Additionally, some hunt categories allow   applicants with the most points will get drawn.
            you to apply with a group of other hunters, so   What is guaranteed is that their odds of selec-
            that if one of the group is drawn, the entire   tion improve. First-time applicants with no pref-
            group gets to hunt.                     erence points can and do get drawn for popular
              If you are selected, you will receive your hunt   hunts, while hunters who have many preference
            instructions at the email address attached to   points can miss out being selected. The pool
            your online GoOutdoorsOklahoma account.  size related to the number of hunt permits also
                                                    affects one’s chances of being selected.
            HELPFUL TIPS                              Continuing this year, applicants who hold 20 or
              Applicants have the chance to buy extra hunt   more preference points in the once-in-a-lifetime
            choices at $3 apiece, which will be in addition   elk and pronghorn hunt categories will have a
            to the basic application fee. This increases your   higher likelihood of winning a permit, as the draw-
            overall odds of being drawn simply by putting   ing procedure has been enhanced for those cat-
            your name into more of the drawings.    egories. An initial drawing for half of the elk hunt

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