Page 10 - ODO 2024 JanFeb online version
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GAME BAG                                           if I did not also
                                                                I would be remiss

                                                               include our  local
            A COLLECTION OF LETTERS                            Game Wardens,
            TO THE WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT                         Travis Garrett,
                                                               Brandon Fulton
            We’d like to hear from you! Send your letters to Outdoor   and Rylee Rolling,
            Oklahoma Letters, P.O. Box 53465, Oklahoma City, OK   who have given
            73152, or send e-mail to  valuable time to   Shawn Gee     Travis Garrett
                                                               visit our classes or
            Dear Wildlife Department,                          drop off material
              I would like to take this opportunity to         for our students.
            tell you how well one of your employees             Because of the
            performed. Game Warden Riley Willman               work of these peo-
            was called to confront a poacher on my             ple and others at
            property in Delaware County. Due to the            ODWC, we have
            poacher’s persistence, Willman was called          helped to influ-  Brandon Fulton  Rylee Rolling
            several times. Each time, he showed up in          ence a new gener-
            a timely and professional manner. He was   Riley Willman  ation of outdoorsmen and women. Thank you.
            firm and clear with the trespasser. I do not believe we would have   Frank Blair, outdoor education teacher,
            been able to resolve this issue without Willman’s assistance. He               Owasso 8th-grade Center
            should be commended as a positive representative of the great
            state of Oklahoma. Thank you for employing quality people.
                                                 Kimberly Parks  Dear Editor,
                                                                Just wanted to let you know that I really
                                                               enjoyed Tell Judkins’ article in the Novem-
            Dear Wildlife Department,                          ber/December 2023 issue of Outdoor Okla-
              I wanted to                                      homa. Great perspective!
            express how thank-                                                   Brenda D. Smith
            ful I am for all that the
            Oklahoma Depart-                                    EDITOR’S NOTE: In his article “North-
            ment of Wildlife                                   ern Bobwhite in Oklahoma: How Did We   Tell Judkins
            Conservation does.                                 Get Here?”, Judkins, ODWC’s upland game
            Every experience                                   biologist, detailed some of the reasons likely responsible for the
            and interaction I                                  decade’s long decline in bobwhite populations in Oklahoma and
            have  had with the   Colin Berg   Lance Meek       across the nation.
            Department and its people has been positive. I wanted to especially
            thank Colin Berg and everyone in the Education section.
              I first met Berg about 30 years ago at a camp with a bunch of   Dear Wildlife Department,
            physical education teachers. Years later, we would cross paths when   We  wanted  to
            NASP (National Archery in the Schools Program) was brought to   extend a thank you
            Oklahoma. Because of Berg, I was able to start an Outdoor Educa-  to Lauren Johnson
            tion class at the Owasso 8th-Grade Center. It started with a single   and Josh Richard-
            class of 28 students the first year. The second year we expanded to   son for their efforts
            two classes and then three the third year. I now have five sections of   and assistance with
            28-30 students per class, and we have to turn some away because   the restoration of
            there is no more room. Because of the success of the class, our high   our land. They are
            school has also started an Outdoor Education program. All of this   knowledgeable and   Lauren Johnson  Josh Richardson
            was a result of Berg’s hard work and dedication to bringing ODWC   friendly, and are great ambassadors for ODWC. We look forward to
            programs to students.                              working with ODWC again.
              I also want to acknowledge Lance Meek and his helpfulness and              Stephen and Emma Clayman
            patience when dealing with my incessant questions and material
            needs. Thanks to him and Berg, we have successfully certified over   EDITOR’S NOTE: The Claymans reached out to ODWC’s Land-
            1,200 students in Hunter Education courses through my classes.  owner Assistance Section to help improve wildlife conservation on
              Sean Gee, Daniel Griffith, Kelly Boyer, and Damon Springer   their property. Other landowners interested in assistance can call
            have all been invaluable, providing us with resources, material, and   one of five private lands biologists; find their phone numbers by
            answering questions.                               searching “landowner programs” at

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