Page 116 - Interp Book
P. 116

Ozark-Ouachita: Dry Oak Woodland Young Regrowth

               Area: 34,784 acres (14,076 ha)
               Description of Mapped Type:  This type is mapped on relatively dry site types and represents
               mainly disturbed areas and may include pastures, forest edges, and clear-cuts where young
               pines have been planted, although these areas could not be identified as having been clear-cut
               between 2000 and 2012.  Young trees and successional shrubs characterize the type.
               Common woody species include post oak, black oak, blackjack oak, hickory species, winged
               elm, slippery elm, common persimmon, sassafras, black cherry, eastern redbud, eastern
               redcedar and sumac species.  Vines such as poison ivy, Virginia creeper, greenbrier species,
               and blackberry species are common.

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