Page 86 - The Freshwater Mussels of Oklahoma
P. 86

Partial Synonymy:
                          Symphynota complanata (Barnes, 1823), Simpson 1914; Isely 1925
                          Lasmigona complanata (Barnes, 1823), Murray and Leonard 1962; Valentine and
                                 Stansbery 1971; Branson 1983; Oesch 1984; Clarke 1985; Turgeon and
                                 Others 1988; Vidrine 1993; Howells and others 1996
                          “Shell large, solid, irregularly elliptical, obovate or subrhomboid, inequilateral,
                   compressed; beaks low, decidedly flattened, their sculpture consisting of coarse, doubly-
                   looped, subnodulous ridges with radiating raised threads behind; post-dorsal part of the
                   young shell produced into a high, often angular wing, which is truncated behind making
                   the outline at this period of growth somewhat triangular; as the shell becomes old this
                   wing breaks off and is worn away; posterior ridge low, sometimes double and ending
                   behind in a biangulation on the median line; base rounded, full behind the middle; surface
                   with rude growth lines, often somewhat plicate on the posterior slope; epidermis dark
                   green in young shells, blackened in old ones, scarcely shining; left valve with two strong,
                   uneven pseudocardinals, the hinder generally divided sometimes somewhat  ^-shaped;
                   right valve with one or two pseudocardinals, which are frequently split up and imperfect;
                   laterals very much blurred in both valves; muscle scars large; nacre white, thickened in
                   front, with a wide border outside the pallial line” (Simpson 1914, p 490-491).
                   Hosts for Glochidia:
                          Banded Killifish, Carp, Green Sunfish, Largemouth Bass, Orangespotted Sunfish,
                   White Crappie (Watters, 1994).

                   Table 13.  Summary of L. complanata shell characters.

                                                                        H/L Range*    Mean H/L*          Length           W/L Range       Mean H/L
                   Location                               N          (%)                   (%)                   (mm)               (%)                    (%)
                   Arkansas River Drainage
                        Neosho River (and    14    69.8-92.1         77.3          172     21.9-28.0        25.4
                           Fort Gibson Lake)
                        Verdigris River   18    70.3-95.2         80.9          156     19.4-31.0        25.2
                        Caney River       12    61.7-92.6         79.5          165     21.8-34.2        27.3
                        Illinois River      3    71.2-78.8         74.2          151     26.0-31.8        29.3
                   Red River Drainage
                        Lake Texoma       11    72.5-92.7         83.1          160     21.1-29.8        25.4
                        East Cache Creek     1       75.0            -          136         26.5           -
                        Blue River          4    73.0-82.8         77.4          126     27.0-31.2        29.6
                        Muddy BoggyRiver     3    66.1-88.8         77.4          128     29.9-35.2        32.6
                   *The wing structure of this species is extremely variable, ranging from extremely well developed to almost
                   non-existent.  The wing is very easily eroded or broken.

                   General Distribution:
                          Found throughout much of eastern United States and Canada except for the
                   Atlantic and Gulf coastal areas.

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