Page 93 - The Freshwater Mussels of Oklahoma
P. 93

Partial Synonymy:
                          Lampsilis gracilis (Barnes, 1823), Simpson 1914; Isely 1925
                          Leptodea fragilis (Rafinesque, 1820), Isely 1925; Murray and Leonard 1962;
                                 Valentine and Stansbery 1971; Johnson 1980; Branson 1984; Oesch 1984;
                                 Turgeon and others 1988; Vidrine 1993; Watters 1995; Howells and
                                 others 1996
                          “Shell large, thin, obovate, subcompressed to subinflated, with generally low
                   compressed beaks having very feeble sculpture, which shows a tendency to be doubly
                   looped; posterior ridge almost wanting, there being two or sometimes three radial raised
                   lines on the posterior slope; there is a moderately developed posterior wing, which is
                   broken away in adult specimens showing the long ligament, and in front of the hinge the
                   young shell is angular; surface rather smooth, with faint, irregular growth lines, greenish-
                   yellow or pale smoky-brownish, sometimes feebly rayed, often rayless, the posterior
                   slope dark green and generally rayed; left valve with two feeble, compressed
                   pseudocardinals and two remote, often imperfect, laterals; right valve with one
                   pseudocardinal and one truncate lateral; beak cavities shallow, showing a row of ill-
                   developed muscle scars running in the direction of the retractor muscle scar; adductor
                   scars large, faint, the anterior irregular; nacre faint purplish and bluish.  Generally the
                   male and female are much alike, the former is sometimes a little rhomboid and again it
                   ends in a wide, rounded point about on the median line.  The female shell is a little fuller
                   and more rounded on the post-basal region, and sometimes has a well-developed
                   marsupial swelling” (Simpson 1914, p 181-182).
                   Hosts for Glochidia:
                          Freshwater Drum (Watters, 1994).
                          Often one of the few species able to inhabit unstable substrates.

                   Table 15.  Summary of L. fragilis shell characters.

                                                                                               Mean   Maximum                            Mean
                                                                        H/L Range       H/L       Length        W/L Range      H/L
                   Location                               N             %               %          (mm)                %               %          Remarks
                   Arkansas River System
                       Arkansas River     16    59.7-70.5   65.1       144    27.8-36.4     33.2   10 with rays
                       Chickaskia River   10    58.5-66.7   63.3       147    31.4-37.2     33.0   4 with rays
                       Verdigris River    15    56.4-69.2   62.5       139    29.4-37.4     34.0   6 with rays
                       Caney River        25    57.4-69.3   62.6       120    28.6-37.8     32.7   18 with rays
                       Neosho River       17    58.6-68.1   63.7       139    30.0-35.2     32.7   11 with rays
                       Spring River         3    63.8-69.4   67.1       105    31.4-37.5     34.0
                       Illinois River       5    62.5-67.0   64.4       131    32.1-37.5     34.3   1 with rays
                       Poteau River         6    61.9-64.8   63.3       120    31.7-38.9     35.0   1 with rays
                       Deep Fork River      3    60.0-64.2   62.3       110    30.7-38.2     33.5
                   Red River System
                       Cow Creek            7    59.5-65.5   62.7       121    26.9-39.1     34.9
                       East Cache Creek     6    58.4-66.4   62.3       126    31.0-35.8     33.7   1 with rays
                       Washita River      33    55.0-72.4   62.0       149    32.1-41.2     36.3   6 with rays
                       Bitter Creek         8    58.3-68.0   63.2       119    30.0-40.0     35.0   3 with rays
                       Wildhorse Creek      4    64.6-69.3   66.4       127    34.5-38.4     36.2
                       Lake Texoma        10    56.7-69.4   63.9       113    26.7-38.9     32.5   1 with rays

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