Page 13 - January/February 2023 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 13


                                                                                                              SARAH SOUTHERLAND/ODWC

          Smokey Solis and Erika Diaz set out decoys.

            The day began at 4:30 a.m. for the Diaz family. Eric, his   The sun rose hot
          wife, Erika, and his father, Luis, all piled into the vehicle   pink, and that’s
          to begin their trip from metropolitan Edmond to the far   when the calling
                                                                                Eric Diaz is ready to hunt.
          reaches of western Oklahoma. Smokey Solis accompanied   began. Solis whis-
          them to assist in what would be the family’s first duck hunt.  pered instructions like, “Don’t look straight up at the sky.
            Erika, in the dim dark blue before the sun began to rise,   Try to look from the side.”
          struggled to put on waders for the first time, but she was   More duck calls rang out.
          confident about venturing into the water to help set out   Half past the hour, ducks began to fly overhead. And
          decoys that cold morning.                          it wasn’t long before Luis shot his first duck. The group
            Eric and Luis stayed at the blind and militantly began to   cheered and scrambled out of the blind. Erika quickly
          cover it with tall grass and whatever else laid bare near the   waded into the pond to get the American wigeon. The
          pond’s muddy shoreline. No one would have ever guessed   whole group gathered around, buzzing with excitement.
          that this was the enthusiasm of beginners but rather the   They were now officially duck hunters.
          habits of seasoned veterans. This gaggle of new water-  Smokey explained the biology of the bird in Erika’s soak-
          fowlers moved with purpose, and seemingly hardly noticed   ing-wet hands. Everyone discussed the architecture of its
          the frigid conditions.                             feathers, the species, its colors, migration patterns, and
            This was the day they all tried something new.   where it fits into the ecosystem.

          JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2023                                                                             11
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