Page 18 - January/February 2023 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 18

If you are selected, you will receive your hunt instruc-  drawn from the pool of all applicants (excluding those who
          tions at the email address attached to your online   won hunts in the initial drawing).
          GoOutdoorsOklahoma account.                          In some categories, hunters may apply in groups of up
                                                             to four people. An average of the total preference points of
          HELPFUL TIPS                                       all hunters is used for each hunter in the group. If not drawn
            New for 2023 will be the chance to buy extra hunt choices   in that category, each applicant in the group will earn a
          at $3 apiece, which will be in addition to the basic $5 applica-  single preference point that carries forward with the rest of
          tion fee. This is yet another way hunters will be able to increase   their points to future drawings.
          their individual chances of getting drawn for a hunt permit.  Once you are drawn for a hunt, all preference points that
            If you want extra assurance of not losing your preference   you have built up in that hunt category are cleared. You can
          points just in case something unexpected comes up, you   begin building preference points again with your applica-
          might consider adding  PointGuard to your application.   tion next year in the deer and turkey categories. (Elk and
          This “insurance” option is designed to protect your points   pronghorn controlled hunts are once-in-a-lifetime draws;
          in the event you are drawn but for some reason you won’t   previous winners are not allowed to apply again.)
          be able to go on your hunt. PointGuard will cost an addi-  Here are some other tips for increasing your chances of
          tional $5 over the basic application fee.          winning a controlled hunt:
            Each preference point you earn acts like an extra appli-  • You can increase your odds of being drawn when you
          cation for the next year. But if you know you cannot hunt   apply for hunts that happen on key dates of the regular
          this year and still want to earn a preference point, you can   statewide seasons, such as the opening weekend of
          now choose to mark your application as Preference Point   muzzleloader or gun season. Many hunters may skip
          Only. This allows you to earn a point this year that carries   those dates because of already-planned hunts.
          over to next year, but will keep your name out of the hunt   • By designating additional choices, you increase your
          drawings for this year. The PPO option is available as part   overall odds of being selected for at least one of the
          of the applicant’s $5 initial application fee.        choices, so make as many selections as a category
            Your chances of selection only get better each year you   allows (five in the deer category, for example), rather
          apply. If you’ve applied for the controlled hunt of your   than just three, two or one.
          dreams for five years straight without having been select-  • Hunts that are considered by some to be less desir-
          ed, then you will have five “tickets in the hopper” com-  able, such as antlerless deer hunts, may be just the
          pared to a first-time applicant, who will have one.   right choice for a meat hunter looking to raise his
            Although preference points increase your odds of selec-  chances of getting to hunt at a premier location.
          tion, they do not guarantee that applicants with the most   • Consider the ratio of permits to applicants to help you
          points will get drawn. What is guaranteed is that their odds   decide which hunts might give you the best chance of
          of selection improve. First-time applicants with no prefer-  selection. A selection ratio of 1-in-25 is better odds
          ence points can and do get drawn for popular hunts, while   than a ratio of 1-in-80.
          hunters who have many preference points can miss out   • For  those  locations  that  offer  multiple  hunts  in  the
          being selected. The pool size related to the number of hunt   same category, the second or third hunts (the later
          permits also affects one’s chances of being selected.  hunts) are often easier to draw than the earliest hunts.
            New this year, applicants holding 20  or  more  prefer-  • You cannot submit more than one application per cate-
          ence points in the once-in-a-lifetime elk and pronghorn   gory. Since applications are completed and submitted
          hunt categories will have a higher likelihood of winning a   online, you will receive confirmation that your application
          permit, as the drawing procedure has been enhanced for   was completed correctly. This system helps to minimize
          those categories. An initial drawing for half of the elk hunt   mistakes, so make sure you receive confirmation of your
          permits and half of the antelope hunt permits will be con-  application. If you do have any issues, call the toll-free help
          ducted from a pool of only those applicants having 20 or   line listed at the bottom of the webpage, (833) 457-7285,
          more preference points in the category. The winners for   or send email to
          the remaining half of hunt permits in each category will be     (Compiled by the Outdoor Oklahoma Staff)

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