Page 14 - January/February 2023 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 14


                                          “Each person there                             For Solis, it was his first
                                                                                       experience as a hunting
                                             was both proudly                          coach, and he was eager to
                                                                                       show the Diaz family his love
                                             Hispanic and now                          for hunting.

                                                                                         “This has really been

                                                      proudly part                     the first chance I have
                                                   of Oklahoma’s                       had to teach someone
                                                                                       about what I love to do.
                                           outdoor heritage.”                          The more I thought about
                                                                                       the opportunity, the more
                                                                                       I was hoping that they
                                                                                       would fall in love with the
                                                                                       experience as much as I
                                                                                       did on my first hunt.
                                                                                         “From watching the sun-
                                                                                       rise to watching a group of
                                                                                       ducks commit to the decoy
                                                                                       spread, the whole experi-
                                                                                       ence is what I really wanted
                                                                                       them to be a part of. Duck
                                                                                       hunting is so much more
                                                                                       than just harvesting some
                                                                                       ducks. It’s frigid mornings
                                                                                       and hot coffee. Sometimes
                                                                                       breakfast  in  the  blind,  or
                                                                                       the comfort of unwrapping
                                                                                       your favorite snack cake.
                                                                                         “The conversations and
                                                                                       camaraderie that happen
                                                                                       in a duck blind are truly
                                                                                       what make duck hunting
                                                                                       so special.”

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                                                                                       on the Outdoor Oklahoma
                                                                                       weblog; just
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