Page 17 - January/February 2023 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 17

Arm yourself with knowledge based on last year’s numbers,  ABOUT CONTROLLED HUNTS
          and you could increase the likelihood that your name will be   Controlled hunts are offered for deer, elk, antelope and
          drawn as a winner of an Oklahoma controlled hunt permit. But   turkey. They are held in areas where unrestricted public
          doing so will require some homework.               hunting would pose safety concerns or where overharvest
            This article is designed to give controlled hunts applicants   might occur.
          some insights into how the program works, insights that might   Hunters wishing to go on one of these controlled hunts
          give you an edge to having your name drawn for perhaps the   must submit an application, which goes into the running
          hunt of a lifetime.                                with all other applications for that hunt. Hunters are select-
            In last year’s controlled hunts program, about one out of   ed through a random drawing.
          every 25 applicants had his or her name drawn. This repre-  Many controlled hunt choices are highly sought-after and
          sented a sizable increase in the odds for                         have many times more applicants than
          everyone who applied compared with   2022-23 OVERALL              available permits. Getting drawn for a
          previous years.                            ODDS OF                controlled hunt is a matter of odds. If
            Hopeful hunters turned in 135,018                               you keep applying year after year, it’s
          applications for one of the 5,307 indi-  BEING DRAWN:             likely you’ll get a chance to enjoy a con-
          vidual hunt permits avail-able last year.   1 IN 25.4             trolled hunt.
          Many of those applicants will apply                                 How do I participate? Simply submit
          again this year when the 2023-24 con-                             an easy-to-complete application online
          trolled hunts application submission period opens online. Of   through your GoOutdoorsOklahoma account. Applications
          course, the most important thing a hopeful hunter can do is   are not accepted in person.
          to apply each year.                                  You can increase your chances by first doing some
            Controlled hunts application period will open April   research. This article provides statistics from the most
          3, 2023, on the Go Outdoors Oklahoma website at    recent controlled hunts drawing cycle. Anyone who plans
 The deadline to submit     to apply this coming year is urged to study the data here
          applications will be May 22. The application process is easy,   to help determine which hunts you should apply for if you
          and applications will not be accepted                               want the prospect of higher odds that
          by the online system unless they are   WHAT’S THE COST?             your name will be drawn.
          completed correctly, assuring you that   A $5 application fee allows mul-  For example, you might see that
          your application was successful and   tiple applications in controlled   two controlled hunts will be held in
          that your name will be in the drawings.   hunt categories (elk, pronghorn,   the WMA you are hoping to hunt.
            Winners of controlled hunts are   deer, spring turkey) and includes   You notice the selection odds were
          randomly selected through a com-       the Preference Point Only    greater last year for one of the hunts,
          puterized process that draws appli-  option. PointGuard insurance is   so you might decide to apply for that
          cations from the entire pool of those   available for an additional $5 fee.   hunt in anticipation that this year’s
          who applied. Hunters have the option   New this year: Applicants may   numbers remain about the same as
          to apply for several hunts within each   buy extra hunt choices for $3 each,   last year’s.
          category, which increases one’s chanc-  beyond the limit normally allowed   Every time you apply and do not
          es of being selected for a hunt.       in the basic application fee.  get selected, you earn a preference
            Those not drawn in a hunt category                                point in that category for the drawings
          will gain a preference point for the drawings held in future   in the future. So, when you apply the next year, it’s like get-
          years, as long as you apply in the same hunt category. Not   ting your name put into the drawing that many extra times.
          only that, but some hunt categories allow you to apply   So, your odds of being drawn improve if you apply again
          with a group of other hunters, which boosts chances of   year after year.
          being drawn.                                         Additionally, some hunt categories allow you to apply
            Don’t miss your chance to win one of these special hunts   with a group of other hunters, so that if one of the group is
          that often create lifelong memories.               drawn, the entire group gets to hunt.

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