Page 19 - January/February 2023 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 19

JEFF FITZGERALD                                      ENHANCEMENTS PROVIDE MORE HUNT

                                                               CHOICES, BETTER ELK, PRONGHORN
                                                               ODDS FOR 20+ POINTS
                                                                 Two  notable  changes  to  Oklahoma’s  controlled
                                                               hunts program  were  approved  for  this year  by the
                                                               Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission.

                                                               Extra Hunt Choices for Everyone
                                                                 After applicants have reached the maximum number
                                                               of hunt choices allowed in a category (up to 14 hunt
                                                               choices across four categories for $5 application fee),
                                                               applicants will then be allowed to buy additional hunt
                                                               choices at $3 per choice. There is no limit to how many
                                                               extra hunt choices can be purchased, but applicants
                                                               can only select a specific hunt once. Also, applicants
                                                               will be able to add PointGuard insurance to each cat-
                                                               egory, a safeguard against losing preference points in
                                                               case the hunter cannot attend any of the hunts he wins.

                                                               Elk/Pronghorn Allocated Draws
                                                                 For these once-in-a-lifetime hunt categories, an initial
                                                               drawing for half of all hunt permits will be taken from the
                                                               pool of only those applicants having 20 or more prefer-
                                                               ence points. The remaining half of all hunt permits will be
          2022-23 DEER HUNTS                                   drawn from the pool of everyone who applied (excluding
            • Total applicants (includes first, second, third, fourth   hunt winners from the initial drawing).
              and fifth choice preferences): 68,212
            • Total permits available: 3,680
            • Overall odds of getting drawn for any one permit: 1 in 18.5   CONTROLLED HUNTS SITE
            • NOTE: Your odds go up if you steer clear of the most   Learn more about the controlled hunts
              popular hunts, such as the Wichita Mountains buck   process online; scan the code:
              gun hunt, the Sandy Sanders buck gun hunt and Salt
              Plains NWR hunts that allow either sex hunting.
                                                             2022 YOUTH DEER HUNTS
          2022 DEER HUNTS FOR PEOPLE                           • Total applicants (includes first, second and third choice
          WITH DISABILITIES                                     preferences): 3,585
            • Total applicants (includes first, second and third choice   • Total permits available: 852
              preferences): 309                                • Overall odds of getting drawn for any one permit: 1 in 4.2
            • Total permits available: 112                     • NOTE: Controlled hunts held during the regular muz-
            • Overall odds of getting drawn for any one permit: 1 in 2.75  zleloader and gun seasons, especially those held during
            • NOTE: Areas in the northeast like Cherokee, Cookson   the opening weekends, often offer better odds of get-
              Hills, Gruber and Spavinaw WMAs typically have high-  ting drawn than those held outside the regular state-
              er numbers of applicants. Consider hunts in other   wide season dates, since many would-be applicants
              parts of the state.                               already have their hunting plans in place for those dates.

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