Page 32 - January/February 2023 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 32

smiled back. Unbeknownst to me, he could tell I was struggling, and he
                                                   knew I needed to smile and have fun—and that was what he was trying
                                                   to get me to do.
                                                    “Once I realized what he was trying to do and I gave him a genuine smile
                                                   back, he winked and gave me a thumbs up. No words exchanged, just a
                                                   couple of gestures and I understood that I just needed to smile and have fun.
                                                    “That one unselfish gesture from him changed my whole demeanor and
                                                   flipped the switch inside. From there till the final target, we were not only
                                                   competitors vying for a top position, but also each other’s cheering squad,
                                                                       pushing one another on each target with smiles
            ODWC ARCHERY PROGRAMS AVAILABLE                            and fist bumps.”
                                                                         At the conclusion of the second day, Butts
              Teachers or students who are inspired by Shiloh Butts to
                                                                       found himself in first place, with the final match-
            become involved in archery are invited to learn about the Wildlife
                                                                       es to follow in a few days. “Just seeing my name
            Department’s  Oklahoma National Archery in the Schools
                                                                       on the leader board, much less in the No. 1
            (OKNASP) Program,  Varsity Archery program,  and  Explore
                                                                       position after the two qualification days, was
            Bowhunting program.
                                                                       a win in my mind and a true honor, proving to
              OKNASP is a part of the National Archery in the Schools Program
                                                                       myself I did represent everyone who’s helped
            (NASP), a coordinated effort and partnership between schools,
                                                                       me along the way to the fullest of my abilities.
            state wildlife agencies and the nation’s archery industry.
                                                                         “No matter how it shakes out, I now know for a
              In Oklahoma, OKNASP promotes physical education by provid-
                                                                       fact it doesn’t matter where you’re from or what
            ing archery target training to state youths. Designed as an intro-
                                                                       language you speak, friendships built through
                                                ductory program for
                                                                       this great sport are what the real prize is.”
                                                grades  4-12,  the  cur-
                                                                         Then  came  the championship  rounds.  As
                                                riculum covers archery
                                                                       reported by USA Archery:
                                                history, safety, tech-
                                                                         “Shiloh Butts went head-to-head with Italy’s
                                                niques, equipment,
                                                                       Giulano Faletti, losing the match 36-31. He then
                                                mental concentration,
                                                                       went on to face Austria’s Alfred Muhlburger in
                                                and self-improve-
                                                                       the bronze-medal match. It was a tough match
                                                ment. The Wildlife
                                                                       as Butts found himself three points behind
                                                Department has part-
                                                                       after the first target. He then made an incred-
            nered with almost 700 schools in Oklahoma to introduce archery
                                                                       ible shot on target 2, scoring a 10 to close the
            education to students.
                                                                       gap to only 1 point. On the third target, Butts
              ODWC recently started an exciting new archery education
                                                                       again was able to make a strong shot to take
            opportunity in the schools with the Varsity Archery program. Using
                                                                       the lead. On the final target, at close to the
            more challenging and sophisticated equipment, Varsity Archery is
                                                                       maximum distance for the longbow division,
            designed to take archery education to the next step to help propel
                                                                       Butts found himself in a position to win the
            prospective archers into the world of archery after school. This pro-
                                                                       match. All he had to do was shoot a 5, and he
            gram is now offered only to grades 9-12 and promotes target shoot-
                                                                       did to win the bronze medal, 28-26!”
            ing, hunting, and many more archery opportunities.
                                                                         Butts said his chance to represent the U.S.
              OKNASP gives students the chance to excel today, tomorrow
                                                                       was an incredible journey with lots of twists
            and throughout a lifetime in the sport of archery. To learn how to
                                                                       and turns. “Knowing I had support from so
            bring this exciting program to your school, contact
                                                                       many folks, both far and near, absolutely
            OKNASP Coordinator Kelly Boyer at (405) 919-1623
                                                                       helped propel me to where I ended up. My
            or e-mail
                                                                       goal from day one was to go out, shoot my
              To learn more, scan the code.
                                                                       best and see where I stood.
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