Page 36 - January/February 2023 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 36

She created the Outdoor Gals group in 2015   growing up. “To this day, every opportunity I
                              and serves as the group administrator along   get to go out with my Dad, I take it. I have so
                              with a team of other admins and moderators.   many memories of hunting and fishing with my
                                Even with a busy social media page to run   family. Even on the days we came home emp-
                              and family to wrangle, Posey finds spare time   ty-handed, I never considered them a disap-
                              to pursue her outdoor passions. From snag-  pointment. I took it as a learning experience.”
                              ging paddlefish to deer hunting with a muzzle-  Posey wants her children to have those
                              loader, she loves it all.                memories as well, so she and her husband
                                “My favorite thing about hunting is the dis-  have introduced them to the outdoors.
                              connection from everything that is going on,”   “We  enjoy  the time spent  together,”
                              she said. “It’s peaceful, quiet and relaxing.”  Posey said.
                                Posey has been hooked on the outdoors    But Posey isn’t only sharing the outdoors
                              since she was a little girl, begging her dad to   with her children. The Outdoor Gals group has
                              take her on adventures with him anytime she   become a popular place for more than 2,000
                              saw him gearing up or lacing his hunting boots.   female hunters and anglers to connect and
                              She harvested her first deer at her grandpar-  communicate about all things outdoors.
                              ents’ place, where she still hunts today.  We asked Posey about her group and how it
                                “Every weekend, we were hunting, fishing or   enriches the experiences of this vibrant com-
                              doing something fun outside,” she said about   munity of sportswomen:

                              Q: Before you created Outdoor Gals of Oklahoma, did social
                              media influence how you felt about hunting or hunters?

          VIA FACEBOOK                             When it comes to social media or an online forum, female hunters
                                                   don’t feel equal. You constantly feel like you don’t know what
                                                   you’re talking about because it is a man’s world. I have people
                                                   that are close to me who respect that I hunt and fish, but before
                                                   making the group I didn’t have any friends who hunted or fished.
                                                   I couldn’t call anybody up to go hunting or fishing. People are
                                                   shocked when they meet me in public and find out I hunt. I like to
                                                   have my nails done; it never fails we go fishing on the same day!
                                                                                                              VIA FACEBOOK

          Layla is getting an early start as an Outdoor Gal.  Erika B.-J. took this great buck in 2021.

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