Page 35 - January/February 2023 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 35


                or hunters and anglers, social media   But  while  social
                has become much like a worldwide ver-  networks  have
                sion of bulletin boards that hung on the   helped outdoor
          F walls of old-time general stores during   enthusiasts meet
          hunting and fishing seasons. This online phe-  like-minded people,
          nomenon allows sportsmen and sportswomen   others who are inter-
          to easily share about their latest outdoor con-  ested in outdoor
          quests. But it goes one step further by also   pursuits can still feel
          helping them to connect with each other.  like fish out of water
            It can mean the  world  to have a photo of   in these environ-
          your harvest validated by a community of   ments. That’s where
          other sportsmen and sportswomen, especially   groups  geared
          if you’re a newcomer or working to build new   especially for cer-
          outdoor skills. This kind of support can go a   tain users can have              Callie Jo P. smiling proudly
                                                                                           after a successful deer hunt.
          long way to inspire an outdoor community of   a positive effect on those looking for an online
          hunters and anglers.                     community to join.
            In fact, there’s a growing cohort of wildlife   Lifelong hunter and angler Jessica Posey
          professionals known as hunter/angler recruit-  runs just such an online platform: the Outdoor
          ment, retention and reactivation (R3) prac-  Gals of Oklahoma group on social media plat-
          titioners who go so far as to call this type of   form Facebook.
          community support an integral stage in creat-  An Okmulgee resident, Posey is a wife, a
          ing new outdoor recreationists.          mother of two, and a bonus mom of two more.


          Amber L. tagged this big buck in 2020 in Woods County.

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