Page 33 - January/February 2023 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 33


                                                                       Taking shots in competition with the best archers from
                                                                       around the world.
            “Winning the bronze medal was without question the high point of
          this trip, but the friendships made and the memories gained alongside
          all of my teammates, coaches
          and family will be what I remem-  “Winning the bronze medal                                         DON P. BROWN/ODWC
          ber the most about it all.”  was without question the
            To  anyone  interested  in  tak-
          ing up archery, Butts has some   high point of this trip, but the
          advice: Go out and have fun with  friendships made and the
          it,  because if you  stop having   memories gained alongside
          fun, there’s not much point in   all of my teammates,
          going further. Find a coach or a   coaches and family will be
          longtime archer who can help set
          you up for success. “I had a lot   what I remember the most
          of great mentors along the way,  about it all .”
          and that means the world to me.”
            “I can’t say thank you enough to so many folks that have poured their
          support behind me for so many years pursuing my dreams in this sport,
          and for the good Lord above for blessing me with a gift of shooting
          bows that I love to do so much.
            “Archery has afforded me many opportunities to go to a lot of great
          places. But all the people I’ve
                                         To see world-class
          been  lucky  enough  to  meet
                                         archer Shiloh Butts
          along the way are the real reason
                                         in action on Outdoor
          why enjoy it so much and why it’s
                                         Oklahoma TV, scan the code.
          the best sport on Earth!”

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