Page 35 - ODO 2024 JanFeb online version
P. 35


                                                                         HOW YOU CAN HELP

                                                                           Want to help birds make it through win-
                                                                         ter? Consider providing high-energy foods
                                                                         such as suet, peanuts, and black oil sun-
                                                                         flower seeds. Water is essential year-round,
                                                                         so adding a heated bird bath can help keep
                                                                         birds hydrated. Just remember to keep the
                                                                         water clean!
                                                                           You can provide shelter for many spe-
                                                                         cies by installing roosting boxes or leaving
                                                                         dead trees that may be suitable for birds
                                                                         that depend on tree cavities. Planting
                                                                         native fruit-bearing trees and shrubs can
                                                                         help attract species like cedar waxwings. If
                                                                         fruit-bearing  trees  aren’t  for  you,  consider
                                                                         planting an evergreen in your yard!

 Canada geese conserve heat by tucking legs and feet, and by tucking bills under feathers.  Having plenty of food helps birds keep their body temperature up.   A male northern cardinal’s

            LINDA GUENTHER/READERS' PHOTO SHOWCASE 2015                                      undercoat of downy feathers
                                                                                             helps insulate it from the
                                                                                             snowy conditions.

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